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"English Speaking Countries" vt 2016

Freinetskolan Mimer , Freinet · Senast uppdaterad: 3 mars 2016

By watching movies, by reading texts, myths, you are going to learn about "English Speaking Countries" and the way of life in those countries. Also, learn why they speak English in those countries. You are going to present your work to class. You are working at a travel agency. Your agency is not making enough money so you have to make more people buy travels to English Speaking countries. You are going to make a very tempting (lockande) brochure about a country where they speak English as a first or second language. How are you going to sell more trips? What is there to see? What is there to do? What are you interested in seeing, in doing? Compulsory – everybody has to do this • Why do they speak English in your chosen country? • Why did western countries take colonies? • What were the consequences of taking colonies? Both for the colonized country, and for the country that took colonies?


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Engelska åk 7-9

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