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US Election

Torpskolan, Lerum · Senast uppdaterad: 2 september 2016

November 8, 2016 is Election Day in the US. The American citizens will then vote for the candidate they think is most suitable as president. Will Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton become the next president of the US? In this assignment you will learn more about American politics and the election.

You're going to learn about American politics and the presidential election during this assignment. You can choose if you want to work with the upcoming election or if you want to work with past presidents/important historical events or if you want to find out how the election in the US works. What are you interested in? What are you curious about?

 You're also going to make a comparison with Sweden/Swedish politicians (or another American politician).


What to do:

1. Choose topic. We will talk and discuss before you choose, so you'll get ideas about what to write about. 

2. Find facts, read/watch, discuss with others. Summarize (write it).

3. Find a relevant Swedish (or other) equivalent. If you're writing about Trump - what Swedish politician can you compare him with? Or if you write about some historical event - what's happened in Sweden that you can compare with? What differences are there? What similarities?

4. Find facts, read/watch, discuss with others. Summarize (write it).

5. Write your text. Present what you know - background facts and then your opinion (What do you think from your perspective?). The latter is a part of the comparison - don't mix background facts with your own thoughts. 

6. Make sure you don't copy the text source. Read first, then write. 

7. Read through. Let someone else read it. Correct mistakes.

8. Hand in.

9. Discussion/presentation in groups.


Länktips: (ni har också fått en stencil med några länkar samt lite information på svenska om det politiska systemet i USA) (President Obama "Slow Jam the News") (Rap, 44 presidents) (short word list) (words explained) (how the elections work) (how the elections work) (where the candidates stand) (where do you stand) (listening, test yourself) (listening, work sheet) (American politics) (important events) (words) (words)



förstå och tolka innehållet i talad engelska och i olika slags texter,

formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,

reflektera över livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används.

Levnadsvillkor, traditioner, sociala relationer och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används.

Talad engelska och texter från olika medier.

Muntlig och skriftlig information samt diskussioner och argumentation med olika syften, till exempel nyheter, reportage och tidningsartiklar.

Olika sätt att söka, välja och värdera texter och talat språk på engelska från Internet och andra medier.

Muntliga och skriftliga berättelser, beskrivningar och instruktioner.

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US Election
US Election

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