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7 - 9


Kullaviksskolan 7-9, Kungsbacka Förskola & Grundskola - slutgallrad · Senast uppdaterad: 29 september 2016

G'day! This is a project about Australia where you will get to know the country, its history, culture, tradition and language. You will also get to go on a road trip to explore the country even further.

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First, you should get to know the country by watching a couple of videos,
answering a few questions and reading some texts including the texts related to this theme in your textbook. (step 1).

After that you start to observe the country, think about where you would like to go and what to
experience, then you embark on your journey (step 2) .


A. Start by watching this video about the top ten favorite destinations:

Then answer these questions – write the answers on your ”lärlogg”:

1. How did the man in the video know about all the places?
2. What is the beverage made in the Barossa Valley?
3. How long is the Great Ocean Road?
4. Ayers Rock has another, newer name, what is it?
5. What is Tasmania promoted as?
6. How far does the Great Barrier Reef stretch?
7. What landmark in Australia can be seen from space?
8. What two structures in Sydney are considered iconic?


B. Watch this video:
then answer these questions – once again, put the answers up in the same document as above, on your ”lärlogg”.
1. What are the names of the territories and states?
2. Which is the most populous state?

C. Let's learn some Aussie words. Watch this video:

– yet again, write on your ”lärlogg”.
1. What does ”dead set” mean?
2. Explain what a ”cozzie” is.

D. Watch this video about Lawson who attends school of the air: (again...answers on your ”lärlogg”)
1. What could a normal school day for Lawson look like? Why is he going to school of the air?

E. Read the texts about Australia in your textbook, p. 34-45. Choose one or these texts and write a short summary. Show me your summary.

You are going to embark on a 30-day road trip around Australia. Feel free to go about it anyway you like, but you have to include this – somewhere in your story/travel journal. Feel free to include photos/pictures and you can choose how to present your story/travel journal to the others: either as a verbal presentation, written poster, keynote or video. At an early stage, let me know which presentation you prefer. DO NOT forget to include a list of the sources you have used in your presentation.
1. Size of population
2. Names and basic information about, at least, two big cities
3. The outback – you need to visit a territory
4. Three sights/attractions that are well-known
5. A few Australian words (e.g.slang words)
6. Descriptions of accurate scenery and landscape
7. Climate
8. At least two kinds of typically Australian animals
9. A meeting with an aboriginal person.
10. Visit at least three states/territories.

START with you arriving at Canberra Airport in the capital of Canberra. Then, feel
free to go in any direction, by any means of transportation and with any budget. It is
good if you start off making a mind map.

Some pages where you can find useful information:
Travel guides:
Australian Tourist Commission:


Best of luck!


förstå och tolka innehållet i talad engelska och i olika slags texter,

formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,

använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådda,

anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, och

reflektera över livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används.

Åsikter, erfarenheter, känslor och framtidsplaner.

Levnadsvillkor, traditioner, sociala relationer och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används.

Talad engelska och texter från olika medier.

Talad engelska med viss regional och social färgning.

Muntliga och skriftliga instruktioner och beskrivningar.

Olika sätt att söka, välja och värdera texter och talat språk på engelska från Internet och andra medier.

Olika sätt att bearbeta egna framställningar för att variera, tydliggöra, precisera och anpassa dem efter deras syften.

Muntliga och skriftliga berättelser, beskrivningar och instruktioner.

Språkliga företeelser för att förtydliga, variera och berika kommunikationen som uttal, intonation och fasta språkliga uttryck, grammatiska strukturer och satsbyggnad.

Matriser i planeringen

Innehåller inga uppgifter

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