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Describe that Pokémon!

Enheten för flerspråkighet grundskola, Uppsala · Senast uppdaterad: 30 september 2016

Using adjectives to describe different Pokémon.

Lesson One

Look at the word adjective - what does this word mean? Can you give examples?

Look at things in the room, how does that feel? What does that look like? Etc. What are you doing? (Describing) These are adjectives!

Introduce what we are doing - describing Pokémon. 

Page one: picture of Squirtle in the middle with "mind map bubbles" coming out. 

Together, we go through and find adjectives to describe different features about Squirtle.

We followed this up by writing a descriptive paragraph together about Squirtle.
Group discussion: Where can we group things? How do we list multiple adjectives (short, blue legs).

Page 2: examples of different adjectives to describe size, colour, shape, texture and sound

Lesson Two

Students receive a copy of a handout with (page 3) 6 different pokémon pictures, they are to choose a number of pictures to independently write a short descriptive paragraph for each. 

Lesson Three

Page 4: Students create their own brand new Pokémon, listing key adjectives in "mind map bubbles" as they did on page 1.

Page 5: Using the  adjectives from page 4, the students will write a descriptive paragraph about their pokémon. 


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