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National tests - English 6

Kattegattgymnasiet, Halmstad · Senast uppdaterad: 8 november 2018

This is where you can find instructions, information and dates for the national test of English 6 that will be held during the autumn term 2018.

The national test is divided up into THREE parts:

Speaking - DATE: Nov 15th and 22nd

Topic for 2018:

"Sustainable development is not just about looking after the world’s resources. It also concerns the quality of human life. In order to make the best of our planet’s potential now and for our children, we need to work towards creating a sustainable society today."

A test where you will have a talk with 1-2 classmates and discuss the topic above. You will get 20 minutes to prepare for the test by reading instructions in the test papers, to take some notes and to think through what you could say. You will then have the discussion with your group for 20 minutes in another room. The conversation will be recorded.

What is graded?

  • Your communication skills, how you interact with the person you talk to, comment on what he/she says, how you listen and make the conversation "move forward"
  • Your language; grammar and vocabulary (ordförråd) and if you have a good flow in your language (pronounciation and fluency)
  • The contents - if you are able to discuss something thoroughly or just on the surface (ytligt eller på djupet). Try to explain what you mean and say more than just "This is what I think." 

Writing - DATE: Wed Nov 21, 8.20 - 10.00 (100 min) ROOM: SU1 - BE ON TIME!

Preparation material about the topic for 2018: "Knowledge and Skills for the 21st Century" will be handed out in class. Click here to get to the audio files!

You will write an argumentative or discursive text about the topic that you have been given a text compendium about. Make sure you read the texts and essay instructions carefully and make a bullet point list for yourself to organize/structure your writing. You can use the computer or write by hand.

What is it we are looking specifically at?

  • Your language; grammar and vocabulary (ordförråd) and if you have a good flow in your language (pronounciation and fluency)
  • The contents - if you are able to write about something in a thorough (utförligt) or just shallow (ytligt) way. Try to explain and give examples of what you mean and say more than just "This is what I think." 
  • The structure - if you can write pedagogically so that the reader becomes interested and can easily follow your train of thought (din tankekedja). If you have correct paragraphs and punctuation (kommatering, dvs punkt, komma osv. på rätt ställe)!

Reading and listening comprension - DATE: Nov 27, 8.20 - 11.10,

The reading and listening tests are 90 and 50 minutes long respectively. You will get a 20 minute break in between. Here your reading and listening skills are tested and it is important that you try to write as informative and clear as possible. Spelling errors do not affect your grades as much in these tests. 

If you click on this link you can get to some examples of old national tests to see what they look like: click here!




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NP English 6 Writing
NP Eng 6 Reading & Listening
National test Speaking Eng 6

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