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Irstaskolan En8b - The Voyage 16/17

Irstaskolan, Västerås Stad - slutgallrad · Senast uppdaterad: 7 april 2017

Pack your bags...

Syftet med undervisningen

I detta arbetsområde kommer du, genom att prata och skriva engelska, öva din förmåga att beskriva, berätta, resonera, formulera och argumentera.

Undervisning/aktiviteter/arbetssätt utifrån det centrala innehållet

You are going on a pretend voyage. Along the way you will face different tasks and challenges. Who knows where you might end up?

In order to not give anything away, the tasks will be introduced one after the other down below. This means that you don't have any time to waste, try to keep up with the timeframe and deadline of each assignment, or you will be buried in work!


Irstaskolan En8  - The Voyage 1 (Beginning)

The beginning:

You and your best friend have decided to go on a voyage.
- Tell me who you and your friend are. Focus on describing your personalities!
- Describe your boat.
- Why did you decide to go sailing? Remember: You can only tell as far as the absolute beginning of your journey!

The last sentence should be something like: "Finally, we were on our way" or "Our journey had just begun."

Write in pages, name your document En8xNameVoyageBeginning


Timeframe: 2 lessons. Deadline: 29/1

Irstaskolan En8  - The Voyage 2 (Letter)

You are on this voyage a long way from home. Now it turns out you are running out of money and you accidentally dropped your charger in the water. Your phone is almost dead and you use the last of the battery to write a short letter/text home. Tell them how you are doing and ask them to send you some money. Remember to be polite!

Save as: En8xNameVoyageLetter

Timeframe: 1 lesson. Deadline: 3/2


Irstaskolan En8  - The Voyage 3 (The List)

One night you see dark clouds up ahead. The wind is increasing and the waves are crashing at the sides of your boat. Before you know it you are in the middle of a storm! Your boat is taking in water and sinking fast. You hurry to the lifeboat...

You’re now shipwrecked. After a couple of days of floating around aimlessly, you find a desert island. You only had time to bring 7 things from the boat. What did you bring? Make a list of what you may need on a desert island and why. Then discuss with your friends and make the ultimate list.

The assignment is in two parts:

1. Write your own list (and send in at the end of the lesson) Save as: En8xNameVoyageList

2. Discuss your list with a few friends (3-4 per group) Record your discussion, and send it in. Save as: En8xNamesVoyageUltimateList

Timeframe: 2 lessons (1 for the list + 1 for the discussion)


Irstaskolan En8  - The Voyage 4 (Castaway)

The first night on the island you discover that your sneaky friend’s cell phone is almost fully charged! You don't know how, but it is. There is no signal though so you can’t call for help. You decide to record a personal message for your loved ones at home, in case you aren’t found in time. What do you say, apart from what happened?

Prepare what you are going to say, record the message in Photo Booth (why not use an interesting background?) and try to talk with feeling! Remember, you don’t know if you will ever meet them again!

Send it in: En8xNameVoyageCastaway

Timeframe: 2 lessons

Deadline: 24/2


 Irstaskolan En8 - The Voyage 5 What's that smell?

The island might be your home now for the rest of your life so you decide to investigate it further. You grab a few coconuts for lunch and head off. What do you see and experience? Describe the island using your five senses.

Name it: En8xNameVoyageSenses

Timeframe: 3 lessons

Deadline 9/3


 Irstaskolan En8 - The Voyage 6 Roses are red, palmtrees are green

Your island is oddly beautiful and even though you´re really homesick and the island feels lika a prison sometimes, the solitude inspires you. One morning you actually write… a Poem!

1. Write your poem. Try to imagine the feelings going through someone who is homesick and stranded on a beautiful island.

2. Work in iMovie. Record your voice, add pictures and the words of the poem to create the perfect setting for your poem.

Export the movie and call it: En8NameVoyageRoses

Timeframe: 3 lessons

Deadline: 17/3


Irstaskolan En8 - The Voyage 7 Dear Diary

You have been on the island for a while now and you and your friend have developed some routines. Almost every day is the same as the day before. What’s a typical day like on the island? Start from when you wake up until you go to bed.
Name it: En8xNameVoyageDiary
Timeframe: 2 lessons
Deadline: 24/3

Irstaskolan En8 - The Voyage 8 BFF?

Being around the same person day in and day out is taking its toll on your friendship. The both of you are easily irritated and one morning you get into a stupid fight. It all starts at breakfast. Your friend complains about the porridge that you have made using seeds from a plant. (At least you think they were from a plant.)
But, if you are to survive all alone on the island, it is really important that the two of you stick together.
You decide to come up with 5 rules that you must follow and that will stop all future arguments. Motivate why the rules are so important. Do not write the rules in advance, your discussion needs to be spontaneous! Discuss in groups of 2-4 and film your discussion.
Name it: En8xNameRules
Timeframe: 1 lesson
Deadline: After the lesson

Irstaskolan En8 - The Voyage 9 Miss you like crazy

You're homesick. What do you really long for? If you were able to send for something or perhaps someone from home, what/who would it be? Write down what you miss the most and why.
Name it: En8xNameVoyageMissing
Timeframe: 1 lesson
Deadline: 7/4

Irstaskolan En8 - The Voyage 10 The end...

In one way or another you have come to the end of your journey. Write about how the adventure ends. Will you be rescued or become President of the Coconuts? Will you survive this or will the island be the last thing you see in this life? Will you try to escape using an island-made raft? You decide, this is after all, your voyage…
Name it: En8xNameVoyageEnd
Timeframe: 2 lessons
Deadline: 21/4

That's it! You have 3 lessons left in school to work with the assignments, if you have a lot to do you will have to work at home.

Deadline for the entire project: 21/4


Extra assignment

Irstaskolan En8 - The Voyage 11 In the news

Regardless of what happened in the end, your story has ended up in the news. Write the article and add headlines and pictures.

Name it: En8xNameVoyageNews


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Irstaskolan - The Voyage Bedömningsmatris 1-5
Irstaskolan - The Voyage Bedömningsmatris 6-10

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