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Engelska, Moderna språk - språkval




Engelska åk 7 book circle w. 9-12

Vallkärra skola, Lunds för- och grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 1 mars 2017

Book circle

Avsnitt 1

Book circle  

 Plan for English weeks 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

 W. 9 Gift p. 45-47, words p. 147-148 and verbs, (on the blog)

 W. 10 Hunger p. 32-34 , words p.144-145 and verbs, (on the blog)

W. 11  The lion the witch and the wardrobe p. 40-44, words p. 147 and verbs, (on the blog)

 W. 12  The curious incident of the dog in the night-time p. 37-39, words. p 146 and verbs, (on the blog)

 W. 13  TEST on the verbs and words that you have had as homework. All book circle tasks must be published on classroom by the end of week 13.

The homework for each text is for the following week.  

 Description of the book circles:

During week 9-13you will read English texts. Each week you have to read one text and  prepare  specific tasks. You will get time to read, discuss and do exercises in school. But you will also need to read at home. Publish your tasks on your blog each week.


  • read English fiction (texts): understand and analyse its content
  • participate in conversations
  • express your own ideas, feelings and opinions (written and spoken)
  • use a varied language and develop an extended vocabulary

 Evaluation (bedömning):

   Your teacher will evaluate

  • your written book circle tasks
  • your activity during lessons
  • your discussions in your book circle groups


You must read the texts for the book circle discussion and do your tasks (see list below). You have to also have to learn the  words to each text. Those words are homework for next week. 

 Discussion leader:

Prepare six questions,  one for each of  The Six Thinking Hats. Always set the scene (summarize and say page number) before you write your question. At the group meeting, you will lead the discussion. Always address students by name and thank them when they have presented their activity. Start by always asking the summarizer to summarize today’s reading. Next it is your turn to ask your six questions to the group. 


Prepare a short summary of today’s reading. Your group discussion will start with your summary that covers the key events and highlights of today’s reading assignment. 

 Character tracer:

Choose a character and list some character traits that the person has shown in today’s reading. Give the page numbers and evidence from your reading which will support your choices. 

 Creative connector:

Find connections between the text and the world outside. Connect the readings to your own life, things you have seen, heard or experienced. Set the scene in the book you are referring to by summarizing it briefly. Then tell the others what this reminds you of. Finally, point out similarities and differences. 



förstå och tolka innehållet i talad engelska och i olika slags texter,

formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,

använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådda,

Olika former av samtal, dialoger, intervjuer och muntliga framställningar.

Skönlitteratur och annan fiktion även i talad, dramatiserad och filmatiserad form.

Matriser i planeringen

Innehåller inga matriser


Innehåller inga uppgifter

Hjälp och support



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