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7 - 9

Wings Black Section 2 Love

Fuxernaskolan 7-9, Lilla Edet · Senast uppdaterad: 20 februari 2017

What is love? That is a gigantic question! In Wings Black, section 2, we will explore this subject.


You will improve your ability to:

  • understand spoken and written English,
  • write and speak English,
  • use strategies to understand and make yourself understood,
  • adapt your language according to purpose, reader/listener and context and
  • reflect on culture and way of life in different contexts.

In the classroom

You will learn:

  • words that are relevant to this section,
  • about falling in love (at least what the book says about it),
  • about the art of flirting,
  • about different types of weddings.

We will start this section off with watching a film and reflecting on some questions. Then, with Wings Black as a base, we will read, discuss and write different types of texts. We will also work with several activites having to do with the subject.


I will assess:

  • your ability to speak in the classroom and in small groups.
  • your ability to write in the written tasks below.
  • your ability to understand spoken and written English.



Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Reflections on a movie about love.
A summary of a text
Weddings - a comparison!

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