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7 - 8

Travel Project Year 7

Stenkulan, Lerum · Senast uppdaterad: 21 februari 2017

You and your classmate will plan and present a trip to an English-speaking country. Where would you like to go?? And what would you like to do?

You are going to plan and present a trip to an English-speaking country. Where would you like to go?


- Tell us shortly about the country.

- Why did you choose this place?

- How long is the flight? What does it cost?

- Are there any historic sites or tourist attractions? Tell us about at least three things that you are going to do.


Make a presentation in “Google Presentationer” with pictures and facts about your trip. You are going to work in pairs and present your work for some of your classmates. You should talk for at least 2 minutes each.

Extra (do only if you have time left):

Add to the presentation:

- Where are you going to stay? How much is the hotel/hostel?

- Find restaurants where you want to eat. What kind of food do they have? How much does it cost?



Your teacher is going to assess: your speaking skills, how good your presentation is and your culture knowledge of the country you have worked with. 

In the end of the project you are also going to do some tasks which test you reading, listening and writing skills.


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5. Assessment Matrix for English Year 7

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