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Thrill and Suspense

Kattegattgymnasiet, Halmstad · Senast uppdaterad: 23 februari 2017

Today everybody seems to be a writer of crime novels. In Norway - tradition has it - they read a crime novel at Easter. But what is it that makes a novel, or a film, thrilling? In the forthcoming weeks we will focus on what elements add that extra touch that builds up suspense in a text. We will, of course, copy the masters and learn a few tricks of the trade. Meanwhile we will also increase our range of vocabulary and study texts more closely.

You are now to compose a creative piece of writing of you own, using the thrilling texts in you worksheet as sources of inspiration. Make good use of the tricks of the trade discussed during lessons, such as showing vs telling, planting, gaps, suspense and precision. Other brilliant pieces of advice can be found here

This is your assignment:

Grab us by the throat! Who is the best writer of short stories among our readers? The amazing magazine of “Thriller/Suspense”, together with our patron Stephen King, has the great pleasure of inviting you, our loyal readers, to participate in our contest! Your short story will be published in the issue of March and must be in our mailbox before February 17. As space is restricted, make sure you do not surpass 400 words.




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