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Portray a star!

Kattegattgymnasiet, Halmstad · Senast uppdaterad: 12 september 2017

Write a portrait about a star. Pick whoever you want! Feel free to take inspiration from the texts about Zlatan and Messi in Digilär.

The assignment from Digilär (somewhat altered by me):


"Presentation of a star

Your job is to make a presentation of a famous person. It could be a person from any genre, but it should be one person, not a group.

:: Here are some points that could be included:

  • Name, place and date of birth
  • Background, childhood / upbringing
  • What the person is famous for
  • The biggest moments for this person
  • The person's life today
  • Some unusual / less known facts about the person
  • Your own relation to this person, and why you chose him or her

:: You should also prepare an oral presentation to your class or a group of people. 

Good luck and have fun!"



Do not steal long sentences or paragraphs from different sources. Try to use sources that aren't English.

Quote sources when you want to borrow information or text.





ORAL PRESENTATION, 5 MINUTE MAXIMUM (I think you will need at least two minutes to pass the assignment).



See "matris".


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Portray a star!

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