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7 - 9

Speaking assignment

Djurgårdsskolan, Kristinehamn · Senast uppdaterad: 15 mars 2018

Speaking assignment based based on previous National tests

Speaking assignment

based on previous National tests




This assignment consists of two different parts: part 1, part 2 and part 3. You start with part one, where we talk about speaking strategies. Then we move on to part two, where you practice on discussing different topics. Finally, there is part 3, where you will record a conversation in English between you and two other classmates.


Part 1: Speaking strategies


Before you start speaking, we are going to talk about different speaking strategies. Here is a link to the Prezi:


Part 2: Practice


You are going to discuss different topics. Remember to always explain your thoughts thoroughly. Be active and speak English all the time. Help each other with questions and comments to keep the conversation going. Practice on the following 1-104  topics. You have three lessons to practice.


Say if you agree or disagree – explain and give examples.


  1. It’s more important for girls than for boys to be attractive.

  2. It’s OK to use animals for testing medicines and cosmetic products.

  3. There is nothing wrong with junk food.

  4. I can’t live without TV.

  5. The use of cars, boats etc. should be restricted.

  6. People move about too much and lose contact with each other.

  7. Young people today have too many decisions and choices to make.

  8. Young people only think about having a good time – they don’t want to work for a better world.

  9. People under 18 should not be allowed to have piercings or tattoos.

  10. Chatting on the internet is much better than meeting people in real life.

  11. It’s OK that sports men and –women sometimes use drugs to improve their results.

  12. Friends influence you more than your family.

  13. Car owners should pay higher taxes than others. They’re harming the environment.

  14. Let’s face it. Men and women think totally differently.

  15. Children should have the right to decide themselves which parent they want to live with, if the parents separate.

  16. Some pupils behave very badly at school. They must learn to be polite and show respect.

  17. Everybody with an extra room should let a homeless person live there.

  18. Everybody should donate his or her organs. Doctors shouldn’t need to ask for permission when transplantation is needed.

  19. Charity galas are a great way of helping people and countries in need.

  20. Mobile phones are dangerous and disturb people.

  21. Having your own room at home is not necessary.

  22. There is too much noise everywhere.

  23. Cats and dogs in towns should be forbidden.

  24. Living in the countryside is better than living in a town.

  25. Keeping animals in captivity is OK.

  26. Living without a car is much better for everyone.

  27. People spend too little time at home.

  28. The sound level at concerts and in discos is dangerous.

  29. Smoking should not be allowed.

  30. Everybody should be a vegetarian.

  31. Money makes people happy.


Discuss your own opinions about the question – and also what other opinions there are.


  1. Why is it important to know what life was like in the past?

  2. Is war sometimes necessary? Would you ever take part?

  3. What is good and what is bad about modern technology?

  4. In what ways is tourism good for international understanding?

  5. What can you do to avoid stress?

  6. Why don’t young people take advice from grown-ups anymore?

  7. What will future generations think about the way people live today?

  8. Can violence ever be accepted?

  9. What can we learn from history?

  10. What does freedom mean?

  11. How can men and women be more equal?

  12. What can you do to protect the environment?

  13. What is a good school/good education for you/for different people?

  14. How important is the way you look and the way you dress?


What are your thoughts about a situation like this? What can be done about it and who should do it?


  1. When I do my homework, there is nobody to ask if I don’t understand.

  2. One of my friends is writing stupid things on a chat site about another friend.

  3. I arrived in this country five years ago and I have never visited a Swedish family.

  4. My children and grandchildren are always busy doing other things – they never visit me or call me on the phone.

  5. One of my classmates can’t come on the school trip – it’s too expensive. I feel awful about it.

  6. I think my friend drinks too much, but I’m not sure what to do.

  7. I have no time for a social life. I spend all my spare time driving my children to their activities.

  8. I have to ring my 16-year-old daughter every day from work to make sure that she gets to school on time.

  9. Our neighbor treats his animals badly and nobody seems to care.

  10. My grandchildren have so many toys and things. I don’t know what to give them.

  11. I want to show that I care about the environment, but ecological products are too expensive for me.

  12. I hate having to ask my children to help me when I use the computer, but they’re so much better than I am.


In each pair – which do you prefer? Explain why. What is good/bad about the alternatives?


  1. dogs – cats

  2. computer games – sports

  3. Idol – Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

  4. summer – winter

  5. sending text messages – phoning

  6. Pippi Longstocking – Barbie

  7. snake – horse

  8. LAN parties – outdoor camping

  9. going to school – working

  10. travelling – staying at home

  11. online shopping – department stores

  12. Spiderman – Harry Potter

  13. poker – jogging

  14. home cooked food – take away

  15. Homer Simpson – James Bond

  16. books – films

  17. violin – saxophone

  18. chatting on the net – meeting people

  19. going to the cinema – watching a DVD

  20. dreadlocks – shaved head

  21. Eurovision Song Contest – World Cup Football

  22. the countryside – the city

  23. R’n’B – heavy metal

  24. Luke Skywalker – Frodo


In what ways might the different alternatives affect the world around you? Is it important to choose between them?


  1. being a member of the EU – not being a member of the EU

  2. Greenpeace – Save the Children

  3. being engaged in politics – being religious

  4. downloading films or music – buying DVDs or CDs

  5. professional sports people – amateurs

  6. space research – AIDS research

  7. eating meat – being a vegetarian

  8. nuclear power – wind power

  9. monarchy – republic

  10. boxing – volley ball

  11. going by train – going by plane


Why do people act this way? What might it lead to? How serious do you think this is? Explain. Should anything be done about it? Why?/Why not?


  1. Sometimes people skip lessons in school.

  2. Sometimes people lie to their parents (or other people).

  3. Sometimes people write bad things about others on the internet.

  4. Sometimes people don’t follow school rules.

  5. Sometimes people keep money and things they have found.

  6. Sometimes people tune up their (moped) engines.

  7. Sometimes people drop litter.

  8. Sometimes people paint graffiti on public buildings.

  9. Sometimes people fight at football matches.

  10. Sometimes people download music and films from the internet.

  11. Sometimes people don’t follow traffic rules.

  12. Sometimes people don’t pay when they go by bus/tram/train.


Part 3: Recording


You are, together in groups of three, going to record a conversation in English. Your group will get 4-6 different topics to talk about. Your teacher will decide the topics for you. The conversation should take 6-15 minutes.


formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,

använda språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådda,

anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, och

Aktuella och för eleverna välbekanta ämnesområden.

Intressen, vardagliga situationer, aktiviteter, händelseförlopp samt relationer och etiska frågor.

Åsikter, erfarenheter, känslor och framtidsplaner.

Muntliga och skriftliga instruktioner och beskrivningar.

Olika sätt att bearbeta egna framställningar för att variera, tydliggöra, precisera och anpassa dem efter deras syften.

Samtal och diskussioner samt argumentation.

Språkliga strategier för att förstå och göra sig förstådd när språket inte räcker till, till exempel omformuleringar, frågor och förklaringar.

Språkliga strategier för att bidra till och aktivt medverka i samtal genom att ta initiativ till interaktion, ge bekräftelse, ställa följdfrågor, ta initiativ till nya frågeställningar och ämnesområden samt för att avsluta samtalet.

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