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Kvarngärdesskolan, Uppsala · Senast uppdaterad: 26 januari 2018

Does digging holes build character? What is a juvenile detention centre? What are the inmates really digging for? We will be exploring some of the answers to these questions as we read 'Holes' by Louis Sachar.


  • To be able to develop reading strategies which support reading comprehension. 
  • To develop the ability to analyse a book's setting, characters, themes, narrative structure, plot, language and narrative point of view.
  • To be able to improve your own reponses through discussion and feedback from others. 
  • To develop the ability to explore different perspectives.
  • To be able to track the different layers of the narrative running throughout the book.
  • To be able to make comparisons between how characters are conveyed in the book and how they are conveyed in the film.
  • To be able to use content in the text in your own writing production e.g writing a letter, newspaper article and information texts.

 Activities in the Unit include:

  • Exploring setting, themes, flashbacks, different narratives, character analysis.
  • Keeping a reading log.
  • Identifying areas for discussion.
  • Sharing responses to the text and widening your own perspective.
  • Identifying the significance of certain events.
  • Analysing language use in creating atmosphere.
  • Exploring figurative language.
  • Tracking character development.
  • Understanding and commenting on character's actions.
  • Developing vocabulary.
  • Using the content for writing letters, newspaper articles and information texts.

How the learning will be assessed:

  • How well you are able to read and understand the text at the literal and inferential level.
  • How well you answer the questions in your reading log. i.e in detail, referring to the text to support your own ideas and opinions. 
  • How well you are able to interpret events and give reasons for character's behaviour. 
  • How well you are able to express your own opinion and support your thoughts with quotes or references to the text using structural tools such as connecting words and phrases.
  • How well you are able to make inferences and deductions based on what you have read.  
  • How well you share your responses with others, developing the discussion, giving your thoughts and ideas. 
  • How well you are able to explore themes, flashbacks, dilemmas and the significance of various events in developing the narrative.
  • How well you are able to make comparisons.
  • How well you are able to use the content in the story in your own writing for a variety of purposes.


Vardagliga situationer, intressen, personer, platser, händelser och aktiviteter.

Åsikter, känslor och erfarenheter.

Tydligt talad engelska och texter från olika medier.

Muntliga och skriftliga instruktioner och beskrivningar.

Olika former av samtal, dialoger och intervjuer.

Filmer och dramatiserade berättelser för barn och unga.

Strategier för att uppfatta betydelsebärande ord och sammanhang i talat språk och texter, till exempel att anpassa lyssnande och läsning efter framställningens form och innehåll.

Språkliga företeelser som uttal, intonation, grammatiska strukturer och stavning samt fasta språkliga uttryck i det språk som eleverna möter.

Hur ord och fasta språkliga uttryck, till exempel artighetsfraser och tilltalsord, används i texter och talat språk i olika situationer.

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