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Number the stars, week 6-11, 8T2

Varlaskolan södra, Kungsbacka Förskola & Grundskola - slutgallrad · Senast uppdaterad: 28 mars 2018


Week 6

Number the Stars

  • You will find the e-book on the following page:

  • You are suppose to read  3-4 chapters every week and answer questions. I would like you to send your answers to SHOWBIE.
  • You will also have some words as homework until every week. You will find them  on användarnamn: varlaengelska9.
  • You will also be responsible for one chapter each (in pair). You are suppose to summarise the chapter and write/choose a question that you will discuss with your friends. This will take 5 minutes, maximum.



Chapter One: Why Are You running?

  1. Listen to chapter one.
  2. Answer the questions and talk about the plot. 


  1. Describe the characters.
  2. Where are we in time, country,
  3. What is going on in society


Chapter Two: Who is the Man That Rides Past?


  1. What happened to Annemarie's sister, Lise?
  2. Why does Peter visit the Johansen's
  3. What are some hardships faced by the Danish people because of the war?
  4. How was King Christian different than others kings?
  5. Why didn't the Danish army fight the Germans when they invaded Denmark?
  6. Do you think King Christian did the right thing by surrendering to the Nazis?
  7. Annemarie believes that ordinary people, like her, don't have to be brave. Do you agree or disagree with her? Explain.


Chapter Three: Where is Mrs. Hirsch?


1. What did Annemarie realize about her friend Ellen after Peter's visit?

2. How did Annemarie know the Hirsch's were not gone on a holiday?

3. What items were being rationed? Why?

4. What happened to Mrs. Hirsch?

5. Why did the girls always take a different route to school?

6. Explain the following sentence from page 25 of the novel:

"All of Denmark must be bodyguards for the Jews..." Annemarie said.


Chapter Four: It Will Be a long Night


1. How did the Germans find out the names of the Danish Jews?

2. Why was Kirsti upset when she and her mother returned from shopping? What was Ellen's solution to the problem?

3. What were the "booms and lights in the sky" on Kirti's birthday?

4. Why was the Tivoli Gardens important to the Danes of Copenhagen?

5. Why would Annemarie and Ellen need to pretend that they are sisters?

6. Why do you think Annemarie lied when she said the shoes looked nice?

7. Do you think it was a good idea for the Johansen's to let Ellen stay with them? Explain your answer.

8. Before reading chapter 5 please read the title and then write a few lines about what you think will happen in this chapter.


Week 9

  • Read/listen and answer the questions to chapters 5-6
  • Evie will summarise chapter 4
  • Matilda L will summarise chapter 5
  • Homework until week 10 are the words ( varlaengelska9- number the stars 1) and have done everything 


Chapter Five: Who is the Dark-Haired One?


1. What was Annemarie told about the death of her older sister Lise?

2. Why did the German soldiers come to the Johansen's apartment looking for the Rosen's?

3. How did Mr. Johansen convince the German soldiers that Ellen was not a Jewish girl hiding?

4. Why was it important that Ellen remove her Star of David necklace?

5. Why had Mr. and Mrs. Johansen not looked at Lise's things since the accident?


Chapter Six: Is the Weather Good for Fishing?

1. Why were the girls kept home from school after the visit by the German soldiers?

2. What made Annemarie realize that her father was speaking in code to her uncle? What was their conversation really about?

3. Where did Mrs. Johansen, Annemarie, Kirsti, and Ellen travel? Why didn't Mr Johansen go with them?

4. Compare the area around uncle Henrik's farm in Gillelege to the Johansen's apartment in Copenhagen?

5. Why was Annemarie worried when the soldiers questioned them on the train?

6. Why did they travel to uncle Henrik's house?

7. Why do you think the Danes spoke in code words?

Week 11

  • Read/listen and answer the questions to chapters 7-10
  • Aimee and Lovisa will summarise chapter 6
  • Thea will summarise chapter 7
  • Marcus will summarise chapter 8
  • Alice will summarise chapter 9
  • Homework until week 11 are the words ( varlaengelska9- number the stars 2) and have done everything 

Chapter Seven: The House By the Sea

1. What did Annemarie do with Ellen's necklace?

2. What does the sea represent for Ellen and her family?

3. Why did Mrs. Johansen ask the girls if they saw anyone while playing near the shore?


Chapter Eight: There has Been a Death

1. Why was Annemarie  surprised by Uncle Henrik's announcement that there was to be a funeral?

2. What is the old custom when someone dies? what did the family have to do to prepare for the funeral?

3. What did uncle Henrik mean when he said, "Tomorrow will be a good day for fishing"?

4. Why, when his sister and his nieces were visiting, would uncle Henrik spend the whole night on his boat?


Chapter Nine: Why are you lying?

1. What does Annemarie learn about bravery in her talk with Uncle Henrik?

2. Who do you think the people arriving for the funeral really are?

3. Why did Mrs. Johansen and Uncle Henrik create the "death" of an Aunt Birte?


Chapter Ten: Let Us Open the Casket

1. How did Mrs. Johansen stop the German soldiers from looking in the casket?

2. Why was Peter's reading from the Bible so important?

3. What do you think is really in the casket?

Week 12-13

  • Read/listen to chapter 11-17
  • Answer the questions to chapters 11, 14-17
  • Leo will summarise chapter 10
  • Victoriawill summarise chapter 11
  • Anton will summarise chapter 12
  • Linn will summarise chapter 13
  • Amanda and Alycia will summarise chapter 14
  • LIam will summarise chapter 15
  • Clara will summarise chapter 16
  • Julia will summarise chapter 17
  • Homework until week 12 are the words ( varlaengelska9- number the stars 3) and have done everything
  • Homework until week 13 are the words ( varlaengelska9- number the stars 4) and have done everything 


Chapter Eleven: Will We See You Again Soon, Peter?

1. Where were the Rosens and the other strangers going?

2. What did Peter give the baby and why?

3. What was the purpose of Aunt Birte's funeral?



Chapter Fifteen: My Dog Smells Meat

1. What was in the basket that helped fool the Germans into thinking it was Uncle Henrik's lunch?

2. Why was it good that Annemarie did not know what was in the basket?

3. Why do you think the contents of the packet were so important?


Chapter Sixteen: I Will Tell You Just a Little

1. What did Annemarie learn about Peter from Uncle Henrik? What were the two clues that should have clued Annemarie in about Peter?

2. What was Uncle Henrik's explanation for each of the following.

  • Annemarie not seeing the Rosen's in the boat
  • The use of a drug on the baby
  • The handkerchief

3. What would have happened if Annemarie had not gotten the handkerchief to Uncle Henrik?


Chapter Seventeen: All This Long Time

1. What happened to Peter?

2. What did Annemarie learn about Lise?

3. What does Annemarie wearing Ellen's necklace show?


Imagine that your are a journalist and your mission is to write articles for the newspaper De Frie Danske. Chose something from the book, something that you found interesting, amazing, dangerous...and then write an article.

Your article should contain:

  • Minimum 200 words maximum 500 words
  • Times New Roman, 14
  • Picture or pictures 






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