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7 - 9

O, Canada!

Munkegärdeskolan, Kungälv · Senast uppdaterad: 1 maj 2018

We are heading north to Canada. Your assignments below are all connected to this large country. Let’s learn more!

  1. Reading: Down the Niagra Falls in a Barrel (Gleerups) including readning comprehension questions.
  2. Listenting/seeing: Niagra Daredevils
  3. Reading: A Multicultural City.
    This is a part of an old national test. Do the exercise with no help. When you are done, check with the key. Are there any words that are new to you? Try to learn them.
  4. Listening: Anaconda society: Canada.
    This is a radio programme about Canada. Answer the questions on Google form, the soundtrack can be found at (click on the link). Listen and try to answer the questions. If you find it useful, listen once more. Hand in and you`ll se the key and how many points you had.
  5. Listening + speaking + culture studies: Book Creator - klick on the link an scroll down to the bottom of the page and choose "Book Creator for Chrome"


    1. Brainstorm: what stereotypes are there about Canada and Canadians? Write down your thoughts.
    2. Watch this vlog about Canadian stereotypes:  Take notes as you listen. What stereotypes are mentioned?
    3. Together with a friend, compare your notes from the vlog to your notes. Did your stereotypes match those of the vlog? Discuss the results. Speak English all the time.
    4. Curious for more? Another vlog about stereotypes that are supposedly true, by the same vlogger, is here: 
    5. What do you know about Canada? (Kahoot)
    6. Speaking/writing + culture studies: Book Creator
  • You are now going to make a "book" in English, about stereotypes.
    • You are now going to make a "book" in English, about stereotypes.
    • Pick a country that you feel is your country, Sweden or another country where you feel at home.
    • LIST stereotypes that people have about your country. Find at least FIVE different stereotypes. Write down the stereotypes, WITH YOUR RESPONSE. Is this true or not? Why? Why not? Look at the example below. 
    • "People might think that everyone in Sweden jump around like frogs all the time. This is soooo not true! Well, actually, we might do so at Midsummer’s celebrations. But, like, not every day"
    • COMPARE your stereotype to another country's.
    • Create your own "book", using your computer. Try and use different media (text, recordnings, pictures etc.). Be creative!
    • Hand in your book in Unikum.


formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,

anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, och

reflektera över livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används.

Intressen, vardagliga situationer, aktiviteter, händelseförlopp samt relationer och etiska frågor.

Levnadsvillkor, traditioner, sociala relationer och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används.

Olika sätt att bearbeta egna framställningar för att variera, tydliggöra, precisera och anpassa dem efter deras syften.

Muntliga och skriftliga berättelser, beskrivningar och instruktioner.

Matriser i planeringen
Kunskapskrav Engelska Munkegärde
Book Creator - My Country

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