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BÅ ENG 9 VT 2018 The Bucket List

Brunnsåkersskolan, Halmstad · Senast uppdaterad: 22 maj 2018

Bucket List is a list of all the dreams you want to fulfill, goals you want to achieve, and life experiences you desire to experience before you die. What's on your bucket list?

After seeing the film The Bucket List you are going to write a bucket list on your own. To spice it up, we will present it using the technique PechaKucha

In the film you get to meet two elderly men who by accident end up in the same room at a hospital. Faced with terminal illness they decide to make the best of the time left, despite their differences in life, and go on a Bucket List-tour. But why wait until you are 60+? Why not start right now, and make the dream list of your own. 

Speaking skills

A Bucket List can be about the great things in life, but also about the small. Think about places you want to see, books you want to read and the person you want to become. Make a list with at least 10 things. 

A PechaKucha is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (6 minutes and 40 seconds in total). The format, which keeps presentations concise and fast-paced, powers multiple-speaker events called PechaKucha Nights (PKNs)(source: You however only have to add 10 slides and you are allowed to speak for 30 seconds in each slide. You learn your presentation by heart and present it live. If you want more information about PechaKucha (and how to pronounce it), click this link: How to REALLY pronounce Pecha Kucha

Writing skills

In addition, you will write an essay connected to the film. This text will show your ability to discuss a certain theme and to motivate your opinions. You will get one lesson to write the text which will be written by hand. 

Weekly planning

Week 18 -19

Film: The Bucket List

Week 20

Monday: Writing assignment

Wednesday: Starting to make your Bucket List - ready by Monday week 22

Week 22 - 23

Presenting the Bucket List


For inspiration, watch this video!

Top 10 Scariest Bucket List




Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Bå Eng år 9 Skriftlig och muntlig förmåga
Peer Assessment
My Bucket List
Learning for Life
Peer Assessment

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