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Curriculum Vitae - How to promote yourself

Sannarpsgymnasiet, Halmstad · Senast uppdaterad: 27 november 2019

You will create a CV as well as a fictional personal letter.


You have chosen to attend the English 7 course. This would imply that you are interested in either working or studying abroad. If we continue with this line of thought, then in the future, you would need a personal CV. Therefore, our first task in this course will be to write a CV as well as a personal letter to a made-up future employer.


There are thousands upon thousands of different guides online of how to write a CV and personal letter. I will therefore not ask you to re-invent the wheel, but instead use one of the already existing guides. When you hand it in, you need to attach a link to the guide that you used. This is to make sure that you have not copied it (keep in mind, I run everything through Urkund).


The job, that you will send your application to, is up to you to decide. You could be quite serious and apply for a teaching position or as a middle-management boss. However, you could also use your imagination and become a superhero. Who would not want to apply to become Batman’s apprentice, a magician or the Swedish secratry of state. I do not want you to lie, or make up working experience, you need to be as honest as possible in your application. Bring forth your strengths and try to entwine all your skills to pinpoint the requirements demanded by the job.




Before you start to write I want to remind you that you have to use formal English when you are writing both your CV and personal letter. See the PowerPoint which is uploaded on Teams.





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Matriser i planeringen
Curriculum Vitae
CV + Personal Letter
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