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7 - 9

My Journey

Palmbladsskolan, Uppsala · Senast uppdaterad: 6 november 2020

A text about a journey to a new English speaking country.

During a couple of weeks, we have worked with the theme "travelling". We have worked with some texts in the coursebook from Good Stuff, more specific the chapter "Flying" (p.52-62).  You can practice on the words from the chapter on the platsform Quizlet, just follow this link:

As a final task, you will write a text about a journey to the country you have researched and worked with during your oral presentations.


Travelling to your dream destination

You have won a competition. Congratulation! You are going to travel to a new English speaking country and be there for two to four days. And as it happens you get the chance to travel to the country and city that you have been working with throughout the last couple of weeks.


Now you finally get the chance to see everything you have learned and read about. In this task you are suppose to write about your journey and travel to the specific English speaking country. You can see this as a diary from your trip or you can choose to write it more lite a storytelling. 


You will not have access to the internet, but before you get the task you will be able to create a mindmap with information and facs about your specific country and you can use that in your writing and have it with during working with the task.


The following points could be included:

Introduction - Make sure you begin the text clearly and in a good way

Explain why you want to travel to your specific country

Who are you bringing to the holiday and why? Explain

Tell us about how you prepare for the trip, for example what do you have in your bag?  And how do you travel to your country or city?

Suggest different activities that you do on the trip—indoors/outdoors, days/evenings, etc. Why are they meaningful?

Include facts - such as population, nature /climate, sights, culture /traditions, food, currency and famous people or other things you have found in your research.

Compare things from the Englsih speaking country to Sweden, do you see any similarities or differences?

End the text in a good way by summarizing the best thing with the trip and the specific country /city.


You will have two lessons to finish the text. At the first lesson you will get 10 words from your homework that you neeed to include in your text, and at the last lesson you will get 10 more to bring in to your text. 


The text will be read and graded by Rickard afterwards, but you will ge the text back and work with peer review (kamratrespons) together wih a classmate. Eventually you will ge the chance to rewrite and change your text after getting feedback from your text, and your text will be handed in once again.




formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,

anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, och

reflektera över livsvillkor, samhällsfrågor och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används.

Levnadsvillkor, traditioner, sociala relationer och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används.

Olika sätt att bearbeta egna framställningar för att variera, tydliggöra, precisera och anpassa dem efter deras syften.

Muntliga och skriftliga berättelser, beskrivningar och instruktioner.

Matriser i planeringen
My Journey

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