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Assignment: Letter to my favourite actor/musician

Djurgårdsskolan, Kristinehamn · Senast uppdaterad: 11 december 2018

Vi skriver brev till våra favoritskådespelare eller musiker på engelska

Assignment: Letter to my favourite actor/musician


Part 1: The assignment is to write a letter to your favourite actor/musician.


Your letter should include...


  • correct style for a letter - begin with “Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss,” and finish with a signature like for example: “Yours sincerely, +your name”

  • a brief presentation of yourself and why you are writing to them

  • questions on things you want to know about them

  • questions on what they are doing now

The requirements are ½-1 page, size 12 font and all point above included. See guide on the next page!


Part 2: Switch letters with a classmate who pretends to be the famous actor/musician you have written to, and writes a reply.

Your Address

Date: 23 October 2018 or October 23, 2018)


Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss Lettersson


I hope you are doing well. I am writing to you because…


I was also wondering…


I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Yours sincerely,


Student Studentsson


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Assignment: Letter to my favourite actor/musician

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