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Modersmålsundervisningen, Lunds för- och grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 8 februari 2024

Who is your inspiration? Let's learn about people that have made positive differences in the world, from people in our communities to well-known figures such as Nelson Mandela and Marie Curie.

Let's learn about inspiration people and what small acts have changed history.

We'll read about people like Helen Keller, Harriet Tubman, Ada Lovelace and Nelson Mandela. We'll discuss these people and their values. We'll also discuss the context of their lives, from the USA in the 1950s to South Africa in the apartheid era. What makes these people admirable? Would you make the same decisions in their place?Methods:

-Reading: storybooks

-Listening: information about historical context, film clips, reports

-Writing: re-telling the events, writing about themselves

-Discussion: what makes someone a hero? How can we stand up for ourselves and our values?

-Vocabulary: learning new words

-Cultures: learning about our own cultural values and comparing them with cultural values from history


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