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English: A Project - The USA

Södra Ängby skola, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 21 april 2020

In this project you will work on your own, in pairs or in a group. You will find out more about a topic that you find interesting and that is connected with the USA. You will prepare a presentation about your topic and present your class mates.


In this project, you will work on your own, in pairs or in a group. If you work more than one, it is very important that you use English when you communicate with each other and it is important that you make sure that all the members of the group are active and participate, both in the preparations and during the presentation.


You will perform your presentations either in front of the whole class, half the class or a small group. I would really like you to challenge yourselves so that as many of you as possible make their presentations in front of as many friends as possible but I will not force anyone to present in front of a big group.


You will choose a topic that interests you and prepare a presentation about it. You can choose to perform your presentation in different ways. Here are a few suggestions:

-          A Power Point Presentation, remember to choose the pictures carefully and avoid having too much text in you power point!

-          Make a short film about your topic

-          Write a play and act your presentation

-          Other suggestions, I am sure that you can come up with lots of different ideas. Make sure to discuss them with Anna before you start working.


Remember that you will probably (and unfortunately) not have access to any school computer during this period!


Think about these things when you plan your work:

-          What kind of facts are you interested in finding out about your topic?

-          Where can you find your information? Remember to use reliable sources.

-          How will you present your information?

-          An important question is how to get your friends to really listen during the presentation and take in the information. If you don’t listen to each other, you will only learn about your own topic.


Here are suggestions of topics to choose from but you can choose anything you find interesting as long as it is connected with the USA in some way.


-         - The first people of North America: Find out more about the Native Americans, their history and how they live today… maybe compare with Sweden’s native inhabitants…

-         - Slavery and the cotton trade

-         - An American state

-         - An American city

-         - An American presiden

-      - Find out more about ”Mount Rushmore. Who created the monument and why?

        - Find out more about Yellowstone National Park. What can you see and why was it founded?

-       - Find out more about California’s connection with Mexico. What has happened historically between the USA and Mexico?

         - The Grand Canyon

Look here for information and inspiration:  - Lonely Planets hemsida - Amerikanska ambassaden i Stockholm – Medioteket i Stockholm




The United States of America – A Presentation






I muntliga framställningar i olika genrer kan eleven formulera sig enkelt, begripligt och relativt sammanhängande.

I muntliga framställningar i olika genrer kan eleven formulera sig relativt varierat, relativt tydligt och relativt sammanhängande.

I muntliga framställningar i olika genrer kan eleven formulera sig rela­tivt varierat, tydligt och sammanhängande.


Elevens framställning är i någon mån anpassat till syfte, mottagare och situation.

Eleven formulerar sig även med visst flyt och i någon mån anpassat till syfte, mottagare och situation.

Eleven formulerar sig även med flyt och viss anpassning till syfte, mottagare och situation.


Eleven kan välja texter och talat språk från olika medier samt med viss relevans an­vända det valda materialet i sin egen produktion.

Eleven kan välja texter och talat språk från olika medier samt på ett relevant sätt använda det valda materialet i sin egen produktion.

Eleven kan välja texter och talat språk från olika medier samt på ett relevant och effektivt sätt använda det valda materialet i sin egen produktion.








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