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NO (år 1-3), SO (år 1-3), Svenska, Teknik




The origin of Erth and the development of life

Kvarngärdesskolan, Uppsala · Senast uppdaterad: 19 mars 2019

We will work with the origin of earth, Earht's Place in universe and life's develoment uptil the first human walked on earth


  • learn about life on Earth during the different time eras
  • read simple non ficion texts and talk about the texts.
  • Write and draw non fiction
  • Watch non fiction films
  • Do different art assignment, like building a vehicle
  • Practice Words and consepts.
  • Visit Evolutionsmuseet ni Uppsala
  • Listen to and talk about myths of the origin of Life.

You will show:

  • show and describe how the sun, the earth and the moon moves in relation to eachother.
  • be aware of how the earth and the universe were created according to the scientists
  • describe how life developed up till the first human
  • recognise and know some stars and star signs

You will show you can by:

  • beeing active during lessons and in duscussions. 
  • retelling something you have seen in a film 
  • showing you are able useing the consepts we are working with
  • writing a short non fiction text with help from notes and mind map. 
  • reteling the origin of earth and how life started .






Material för eget konstruktionsarbete. Deras egenskaper och hur de kan sammanfogas.

Jordens, solens och månens rörelser i förhållande till varandra. Månens olika faser. Stjärnbilder och stjärnhimlens utseende vid olika tider på året.

Skönlitteratur, myter och konst som handlar om naturen och människan.

Människans uppkomst, vandringar, samlande och jakt samt införandet av jordbruk.

Tidslinjer och tidsbegreppen dåtid, nutid och framtid.

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