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This Is Me 8A

Frösåkersskolan, Östhammar · Senast uppdaterad: 16 augusti 2019

You are going to write a presentation of yourself. I want you to illustrate it with pictures/photos of you, or drawings. I also expect you to have a cover, where you write the title and your name.


At least 6 of the following chapters must be in your book:

  1. This is me. A short presentation of yourself; your sparetime, family, hobbies. You choose what to write!


  1. My friend/s. Describe a good friend or just friendship. You can write his/her name or not. Good qualities, what you do togheter etc.


  1. My personality and looks. What kind of person are you? What do you look



  1. My school. Write about Frösåkersskolan, what is good/bad about it? What can you write about your class? Best/worst subject? Grades? Will you miss this school when you end year 9, or will you just be happy to leave?


  1. What makes me angry and happy! Describe what makes you really angry –

           and how you react. Then, write about what makes you happy!


  1. My favourite music. Make a top five list with the best songs you know right

          now. Or the five best artists/groups. Write a few lines about what you think of this music. When do you listen to music?


  1. My favourite place. Which is your favourite place in the world? It can be your

         cabin in Värmland, a Canary Island, Gräsö or…


  1. Top ten list of what I want to do in my life. Write down ten things you

          really want to do – sooner or later. Choose one thing that you write a bit more

         about, for example why, when or with whom?


  1. My future. Imagine that you are 25-30 years old. What do you think you are

          working with? Studies, education? Family? Where do you live? Sparetime?


  1. Your own choice. Is there anything else you want to write about in one chapter?


Except for these chapters you will include one called The Day I Was Born:

Write a text about the day you were born. You will write about what has happened on that same day historically (history, other people who share your birthday etc.) 

Find the facts

  1. Go to Click on the link where it says "To find out what was happening when you were born Click here".
  2. Go to A. How Old Are You? to find out your age in days.
  3. Go to K. What's in a Name? to find the meaning and origin of your name.
  4. Go to this link Find one top headline, three people born that day, the most played song and what the hottest toys were when you were born. 


During this project we will practice reading and writing foremost, The examination will be the written project.

Since the texts will be written in the past tense we’ll focus on past tense grammar, both regular as well as irregular verbs.


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