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States in the USA

Stenbergaskolan åk 4-9, Söderhamn · Senast uppdaterad: 15 november 2022

 Now you'll have the chance to learn a lot more about some of the different states in the USA. For about three weeks we will be working with this project and during that time you are going to find facts about your state and make an oral presentation about it. After that you will present your state to the class. You can for example make a PowerPoint, a video or a poster or why not a travel journal. What states, cities, rivers, attractions can be found in your state? What important history has happened here? Nature and animals?  Are there any animals in the US that we don't have here in Sweden? Are there any famous Americans from your state?  

Syftet med undervisningen


Undervisning/aktiviteter/arbetssätt utifrån det centrala innehållet


You are going to make a presentation about a state in the USA.


1. Before you start working, have a plan ready so you know what you need to do.

2. During the first three lessons: Find basic facts about your state.



- Only use reliable information

- Use your own words.

- Use reliable sources.

- Use your time wisely, don't spend too many lessons just finding facts. Make a plan first, then follow your plan!

You may make a power point, a slide show, any type of visual help you choose. Posters can be made too. I will be looking at how much you participate in your groups, how much English is spoken during your group work and what the end result is. Good luck!


Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Engelska 7-9: Muntlig presentation om USA
Watch these two clips

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