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6 - 9


Wieselgrensskolan, Helsingborg · Senast uppdaterad: 13 september 2023

A debate is a formal discussion in which two teams argue on opposite sides of an issue. During the next couple of weeks you are going to prepare a debate in groups of four. Two of you are going to argue for your topic, two against. You are free to choose the topic but you can also choose from the list attached.



Two of you are going to argue for your topic, two against. You are free to choose the topic but you can also choose from the list attached. The debates will be presented on September 27.

Pair 1 : Brainstorm all the reasons you can think of that support your topic.

Pair 2: Brainstorm all the reasons that oppose your topic

Arrange so that each group is facing the other and have the debate . Remember - only one person should speak at any time and you need to listen to each other´s points of view and respond to them.


Here are some subjects to choose from.

Homework should be banned.
School uniforms should be required.
Year round education is not a good idea for student learning.
Schools should block Youtube.
Students should be able to leave school for lunch.
Single-sex schools are better for students.
Students should be held legally responsible for bullying in schools.
Cyberbullying that occurs outside of school, should be punished by the school.
Teachers should not be allowed to contact students through social media.
All people should be vegetarians.
Renewable forms of energy should be subsidized by the government.
It is never appropriate for the government to restrict freedom of speech.
Human cloning should be banned.
Macs are better than PCs.
Androids are better than iPhones
The moon should be colonized.
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) should be banned.
America should have a king and not a president.
All citizens should be required to vote.
The death penalty is an appropriate penalty for certain crimes.
Sports stars are paid too much money.
The right to bear arms is a necessary constitutional amendment.
Grades should be abolished.
Teachers should be replaced by computers.
Students should be allowed to skip grades in school.
The voting age should be lowered.
Individuals who share music online should be put in jail.
Video games are too violent.
Students should be required to learn about poetry.
Every home should have a robot.
The government should provide wireless service for everyone.
Smoking should be banned.
Recycling should be required.
Children should not watch television on school nights.
Parents should be allowed to choose their baby's gender.
Education is the key to future success


Good luck! 


Talad engelska, även med inslag av regional och sociolektal variation, och texter, från olika medier.

Talad engelska och texter som är instruerande, informerande, beskrivande, berättande, diskuterande, argumenterande och kontaktskapande – varje slag för sig eller i olika kombinationer – till exempel samtal, intervjuer, nyheter, reportage och tidningsartiklar.

Bearbetning av egna muntliga och skriftliga framställningar för att förtydliga, variera, precisera och anpassa kommunikationen efter syfte, mottagare och sammanhang.

Matriser i planeringen
Bedömningsmatris, Engelska
Watch a debate!
How to prepare your debate

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