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Newsreel autumn 2019

Sannarpsgymnasiet, Halmstad · Senast uppdaterad: 17 september 2019

Work in pairs and choose 3-5 news that you find interesting about current incidents in English speaking countries. It can be ANY topic – current events, entertainment, sports. Challenge yourself but choose articles and news reports that you know that you can get through.



1.     Choose 3-5 news that you find interesting about current incidents in English speaking countries. It can be ANY topic – current events, entertainment, sports. But try to mix your choice of topics. Challenge yourself but choose articles and news report that you know that you can get through. Use these sources of reference.




2.     Read the articles and/or watch the news reports more than once. Make sure that you understand everything. 


3.     Present the major ideas in the same order as the writers present them but try to use your own words when presenting the news. Be careful, however, not to misinterpret the author’s intentions and ideas. Try to answer the following questions:


·       Who? Who was involved?


·       What? What happened? What’s the story?


·       Where? Where did it take place?


·       When? When did it take place?


·       How? How did it happen?


·       Why? Why did it happen?


4.     Remind the listeners that you are summarizing by using the author’s name (or he/she). Try to vary your use of verbs when you quote the main ideas (“Trump says, explains, discusses, observes that).


5.     The script will also be better if you use linking words like, therefore, furthermore, moreover, because, finally, in other words, however, also etc, etc.


6.     Try to use words that you don’t know. It is always important to focus on learning new words.


7.     Hand in the script on Teams.


8.     The presentation should be somewhere between 5-10 minutes.


9.     When you are done with the text write keywords that will help you remember the articles and news reports. You are allowed to use these keywords when you present your news. You are not allowed to use a whole text.


10.  Learn it by heart and the keywords are there to help you if you forget.


11.  Hand in the keywords on Teams.


12.  Record your script and hand int on Teams. Remember that if you just read your script instead of telling the listener it won’t be the same.


13.  Hand in a vocabulary list: words that you find difficult.






·       Lesson 1: Introduce and listen to Newsreel. Work with vocabulary and nouns.


·       Lesson 2: Listen to one more program of Newsreel. Work with vocabulary and nouns.


·       Lesson 3: Work in pairs and begin to write the script. Work with nouns. (week 38)


·       Lesson 4: Work in pairs finish writing the script. Hand it in.(week 39)


·       Lesson 5: Proofreading prepare for peer review. Improve your script. (week 39)


·       Lesson 6: Record your script. (week 40)


·       Lesson 7: Present your newsreel in small groups. Finish working with nouns. (week 40)


·       Lesson 8: Present your newsreel in small groups. Finish working with nouns. (week 41)


·       Lesson 9: Diagnostic test.(week 41)




Peer review


Use this list when you are proofreading your classmate’s text. The questions are just a help, so you know what to look for.


  1. Have your classmates followed the instructions carefully?
  2. Is the text adapted to the format and audience?
  3. Is the text formal enough; have they used any informal words or expressions that doesn’t fit?
  4. Do they use enough citation verbs? Do they vary the citation verbs?
  5. Does each paragraph deal with one idea? Is there a main thread through the whole paragraph?
  6. Is each paragraph linked to the one before?
  7. Are there any unnecessary passages that do not add anything interesting or important?
  8. Have your classmates used appropriate linking words?
  9. Do your classmates repeat himself/herself or words?
  10. Are the sentences well phrased, complete and properly structured?
  11. Are the sentences too long or too short? Is it a good mix?
  12. Have they used more words than necessary? Can they delete some words?
  13. Is their text easy to read and follow?
  14. Do your classmates make themselves clear? Does the text represent the classmates’ thoughts? Can anything be misunderstood or misinterpreted?
  15. Is the grammar and spelling correct?
  16. Is the structure logical?


Give two stars and a wish.




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Newsreel autumn 2019

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