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Modersmål utom nationella minoritetsspråk



F - 3

English Speaking Countries (grades 1-3)

Modersmålsundervisningen, Lunds för- och grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 8 februari 2024

This theme encompasses learning about the cultures of countries where English is spoken by a large part of the population.

This theme encompasses learning about the cultures of countries where English is spoken by a large part of the population. Among others, we'll be looking at Scotland, New Zealand, Wales, the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, the USA, Canada, England, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, the Philippines, India, Uganda, New Zealand and Australia. 

We'll be looking at how these people live, what they eat, what schools are like, popular holidays, music, kids' games, tourist destinations and some of the history and geography of these places. We'll be reading stories, both fact and fiction, from these places. We might also need some help from parents who can describe what their life was like in a different country and what has changed.

What makes us the same? What makes us different? We'll reflect on the differences in ways of life and try and understand what can account for these differences. 

From Lgr22:


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