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Grade 2 Prehistoric time - from a glowing globe to a living globe

Rödabergsskolan, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 16 juni 2021

What happened after the big bang? How did life on earth come about? How has human development gone and how did man come to Sweden? These questions and some more you will get answers to in this workspace.

You will  learn how to:

  • With the help of a timeline, Words, Pictures and your evolution book "prehistoric time" tell about the evolution of Life from  a glowing globe to a living globe.
  • Use and explain subject-related words and concepts such as timeline, evolution, organisms, changes, oxygen, reptiles and mammals.
  • Know what support words are and be able to extract support words from a descriptive text, movie or conversation and then compile your support words to write your own descriptive text.
  • Create images in different materials that belong to your prehistoric book and/or timeline



The evolution of life from a glowing globe to life on land:

  • Earth is born
  • Life in the water
  • The time of the fish
  • Life on land
  • The time of the crustaceans
  • Dinosaurs time Mammals time
  • Human development 


During lessons you will:

  • Read and understand descriptive texts 
  • Write your own descriptive text with the help of support words (subject related vocabulary) 


  • Present in front of a small Group 
  • Watch different films and practise writing support words as well retelling
  • Work practically with creating, painting, constructing and measuring 



You will show what you have learned:

  • With the help of a timeline, support words, pictures and your book of evolution "Prehistoric Times" tell about the developing of life from the "glowing globe to a living globe."
  • You can use and explain subject related Words such as: timeline, evolution, organisms, changes, oxygen, crustaceans and mammals.
  • You know what support Words are and you can take out support words from a descriptive text, film or talk, to then use those support words to write your own descriptive text.
  • You can creative pictures with different material that belong to your prehistoric book and/or timeline.


undersöka och presentera olika ämnesområden med bilder, och

formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,

använda en historisk referensram som innefattar olika tolkningar av tidsperioder, händelser, gestalter, kulturmöten och utvecklingslinjer,

Teckning, måleri, modellering och konstruktion.

Strategier för att skriva olika typer av texter med anpassning till deras typiska uppbyggnad och språkliga drag. Skapande av texter där ord och bild samspelar, såväl med som utan digitala verktyg.

Muntliga presentationer och muntligt berättande om vardagsnära ämnen för olika mottagare. Bilder, digitala medier och verktyg samt andra hjälpmedel som kan stödja presentationer.

Texter som kombinerar ord och bild, till exempel film, spel och webbtexter.

Människans uppkomst, vandringar, samlande och jakt samt införandet av jordbruk.

Tidslinjer och tidsbegreppen dåtid, nutid och framtid.

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