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English speaking places English 6

Rodengymnasiet, Norrtälje · Senast uppdaterad: 7 maj 2021

In this assignment, you are going to find out information about places where you speak English around the world and present it to the class.


  • Work on your own or in a group of 2-3 people.
  • Choose a place where English is used. You can use the map in the book "In the English speaking world" to help you choose.
  • Find information about the place. Choose sources in English only, and only sources that you think are trustworthy.
  • The information could concern living conditions, attitudes, values, traditions, social issues, as well as cultural, historical, or political conditions. .
  • Prepare an oral presentation where you compare the facts you have found with Sweden, or any other place that you know well.

  • Also comment on why you chose the sources that you used, and why you consider them trustworthy by answering the source criticism questions below.
  • Use only keywords when you do your presentation. 

  • Do your presentation to the class. The presentation should take about 5 minutes per person.

Source criticism questions:

What information can we find in the domain address of the website?

Does the website have a specific purpose, for example is it commercial?

Is there any contact information?

Is the author someone who knows the topic well?

Considering the purpose and the author, could the information be biased?

Is it opinions or facts?

Are there many language errors (spelling, grammar, vocabulary)?

Do the links in the site work properly?

Are there any links to other, reliable sources?



Lesson Plan for this assignment

Week 18: Lesson 1 - Choose Country. Decide if you work on your own or in a group of 2-3 students

                Lesson 2 - Work with your Country/Presentation

Week 19: Lesson 1 - Work with your Country/Presentation

Week 20: Lesson 1 - Work with your Country/Presentation

                Lesson 2 - Practice your Presentation, the presentation should take about 5 minutes per person

Week 21: Lesson 1 - Presentations 

                Lesson 2 - Presentations

Week 22: Lesson 1 - Presentations








Levnadsvillkor, attityder, värderingar, traditioner, samhällsfrågor samt kulturella, historiska, politiska och sociala förhållanden i olika sammanhang och delar av världen där engelska används.

Texter av olika slag och med olika syften, till exempel formella brev, populärvetenskapliga texter och recensioner.

Strategier för källkritiskt förhållningssätt när man lyssnar till och läser framställningar från olika källor och i olika medier.

Strategier för att söka relevant information i större textmängder eller längre sekvenser av talat språk och för att uppfatta perspektiv och underförstådd betydelse.

Muntlig och skriftlig produktion och interaktion i olika situationer och med olika syften, där eleverna argumenterar, rapporterar, ansöker, resonerar, sammanfattar, kommenterar, värderar och motiverar sina åsikter.

Matriser i planeringen
English speaking places English 6
English speaking places oral presentation English 6

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