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IPS Guldheden, The International Preschool AB · Senast uppdaterad: 5 december 2019

Mindfulness involves acceptance meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them. There are no right or wrong ways to think or feel at a given moment. Why do we want to work with mindfulness? It is because mindfulness can reduce the stress and axiety but also helps the children at their level understand how they feel. It teaches us how to respond to stress with awarness of what is happening in the present moment,rather than acting instinctively,unaware of what of what emotion or motives may be driving the decision.

-We want to use mindfulness to reduce the stress that can result from hight noise level , in the perspective of the well being of the children accordingly to the curriculum LPFÖ

- We will try to have a ten minutes session every day after comming back from outside to make the transition from high dynamic play to calm luch time smoother.

-If needed we can use that also before any transition that we might judge it needs it.

_We will also go for outings to walk through nature and use mindfulness to see,hear and feel the environement around us.( Get closer to nature and feel a connection to it /LPFÖ



får goda förutsättningar att bygga upp tillitsfulla relationer och känna sig trygga i gruppen,

erbjuds en god omsorg med balans mellan aktivitet och vila,

intresse för och förmåga att uttrycka tankar och åsikter så att de kan påverka sin situation,

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