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7 - 9

The Music in Me

Örbyskolan, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 30 januari 2020

Which song in English is your favourite? Why? Do you know the lyrics and what they mean? What does music mean to you? Is it as important as the air you breath or just something annoying that you wish would go away? Or maybe something in between? Why do you feel like that about music?

You are now going to work with music and most of all the music inside yourself. There will be three tasks: 

1. Translate and analyse the lyrics of an English song that you like, write about your song and about what music means to you? (reading and writing) 

2. A presentation about your favourite music genre. Search for facts and present in a small group/to the whole class. (reading and speaking)

3. Watch the movie August Rush and discuss it in groups (listening and speaking) 


You find the tasks and the lesson plan on Teams and the assessment here on "Planering och Bedömning".


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The Music in Me

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