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År 7 ENGELSKA Let's talk Relationship Education/Let's talk fashion

Rinkebyskolan, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 20 april 2020

This time you are going to learn about how to understand and respect the differencies and similarities between people. This is also an attempt to make the class come together and function more as a team. My aim is that teamwork will increase your social skills and self confidence as persons as well as in the classroom so tha you develop into happier adults. Also, how can we strive to build a more gender-inclusive learning environment . You are also going to learn the biological differencies between males and females ANIMALS and their role in the life-cycle. That is, I want you to be aware that animals and people are not really the same thing. So, what is male and female in the animal kingdom is not the same as in humans.


1. Syfte med undervisningen - Varför gör du det här? Vilken nytta har du av det?

The main purpose with this combined unit is to make you more aware of the world around you. Further, I want you to understand that there is more than boys and girls, youre are peolpe alltogether!. Thus, is of extreme importance that you develop into respectfull and tolerant young people, so you can be fair grown-ups. The intention with this section is, above everything, that you learn to recognise your own worth as individuals and to challenge stereotyping. Are there any links between gender and fashion? that is, is fashion and advertising different if you are a boy or a girl? 

2. Förmågor att utveckla - Vad ska du träna?

In order to be more aware of yoursel you are going to build up a more varied vocabulary, language and reading comprehension, critical thinking, problem solving, oral expression and listening. Besides a lot of texts that you are going to be provided by me, you are going to read Let's talk fashion in Happy. 

3. Centralt innehåll - Vad ska du arbeta med?

Here you are going to work with skills such as communication, listening and reading, speaking, writing and the prodution of texts.

You are going to work with Reading texts, Learning cards about this theme, Venn diagrams, etc . You are also going to do exercises of Listen &spell and Dictation. Exemples of the kind of exercises you may do should be, gap fill exercises, Phrase match, Synonym Match, Vocabulary paragraphs, listening and guess the answers, listening and fill the gaps. Communication work in groups, peer work and changing relationships scenarios. This section is also going to include some work with grammar. For now, you are going to practise the past simple in tenses through a lot of past simple work sheets. Then , when it comes to the chaper "Let's talk fashion" you read all texts and work with the vocabukary (glosor).


4. Arbetssätt - Hur ska du arbeta?

To begin with you are going to read texts in "Let's talk fashion" in Happy. When in class, you are going to be given texts about gender inclusiveness. For now, while not in class, you are suppose to read these texts and do a lot of exercises with verbs, mainly in orden to train the past simple tense. What kind of exercise you are expected to do you see in "UPPGIFT" 


5. Stöd - Hur får du hjälp för att klara arbetet?

I'm going to monitor you in this unit, that is, you are going to get all help you need from me. But, you are also going to help each other in class. But, While you work at home, the monitoring will be through TEAMS. So, be aware and keep the converastion between you and me alive!

In order to master all the new knowledge from this unit you can get very much help from different sites such as Here you can search for "Boys and Girls" if you want to be familiar with this subject (gender inclusiveness) before comming to the classroom. Otherwise, to go on working with Let's talk fashion you use Happy and Clio.


6. Redovisningsform - Hur och när ska du visa vad du kan?

 You are going to be busy reading all texts in Let's talk fashion in Happy and work with Clio too.

You are going to inteview your classmate about gender and fashion. 

This part of the course is going to take us 4 weeks.

You show your skills by doing all the reading work, exercises with the grammar part and sending all to me onTeams. 




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