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9A Block 1: Writing skills weeks 34 - 39. Essay writing about different topics.

Tråsättraskolan, Österåker · Senast uppdaterad: 29 september 2020

Topic is write about a change that has brought a change in your life, others lives as well as the world. Read the instructions and then write the essay.

We start the block by writing an essay about the topic" Strict parents are the best parents in the world". Agree / disagree to this topic. In five paragraphs, write an essay about the topic. ( 250 - 500 ). 1) Introduce yourself in few sentences. 2) Give your opinion. Agree or disagree to the topic. 3) Motivate with good reasons and examples. 4) How do you have it at home and why? 5) Conclusion. Do make sure that you focus both upon rules of grammar as well as spellings. Do your best as you can do it!
2) Write a Letter to Connect to why you would like to join the camp.
Read the instructions and then write the essay.
3) Write a persuasive essay about a topic for a grade.
Good luck!


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