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The Outsiders 8A, 8B

Grindskolan, Norrtälje · Senast uppdaterad: 30 augusti 2022

What does it mean to be a teenager? What´s important to you in your life at that time? The novel "The Outsiders" (S.E Hinton) will give you some answers. It´s a classic youth novel set in the mid- west in the sixties, dealing with themes such as friendship, love, family, youth groups, conflict and identity, to name a few things.



* To practise and develop reading flow

* To develop vocabulary, phrases and grammar

* To learn about everyday teenage life in the USA

* To get a varied practise of the different skills: reading, listening, talking and writing plus strategies.




Week 35 - 39




Read the first two chapters of the book. You can also listen to the chapters on youtube, if you have headphones.





Take notes about content and details + write  comments and thoughts while reading, after reading a chapter.


You have three lessons to read each chapter and take notes. The fourth lesson we will have a discussion about the chapter you´ve worked with.




* Two discussions, one after each chapter


* Review - Your text shall contain a summary part plus a part with your comments and thoughts. You may use your notes when writing.


Lesson Plan


W 35


Lesson 1 + 2


* Lecture and background, presentation of plan


* Read ch 1. Write a reading log. Sum up the most important things that happen in the chapter. Also write down your thoughts and comments about events and characters.






W. 36


Lesson 1:


Read ch 1. Write a reading log. Sum up the most important things that happen in the chapter. Also write down your thoughts and comments about events and characters.


Prepare for discussion by reading through your notes (reading log).


Lesson 2:


Discussion about ch 1 in class, one half of the class at a time.


W. 37


Lesson 1 + 2


Read ch 2. Write in your reading log.


W. 38


Lesson 1


Read ch 2. Write in your reading log.

Prepare for discussion by reading through your notes (reading log).


Lesson 2


Discussion about ch 2 in class, one half of the class at a time.


W. 39




Lesson 1 + 2



Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Förmågor och kunskapskrav - The Outsiders 8A, 8B
Betygsmatris för engelska år 9
The Outsiders Here you upload your review. You also have chapter questions that you can use to prepare for the discussions, and to comment about in your reading log.

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