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7 - 9

Taking a classic fairy tales into the 21 century year 8

Stenbergaskolan åk 4-9, Söderhamn · Senast uppdaterad: 27 mars 2024

Fairy tales, action figures and comics awaken your imagination and create a new world. Dive into this new world and make it come true. Make it your own story. You will be divided in groups and write your own script. You will write a play about something super scary, or a fairytale made true, or a fairytale made in modern times.

Time to be creative and show us all what where your imagination and take you.
You will work in groups
You will try to speak as much English as possible
You can watch short action cartoons, fairy tales and read some comics to help you start.
Part 1-
You will then plan your script.

How will it begin so you catch your audience?

How many characters will be in your play?

What happens?

How will it end?


What is the story plot?

What your script needs:

1. monologues

2. Dialogs

3. a presentation

What is a monologue you may ask?

A monologue is a  speech spoken by one character in the movie or play.  

Like in the beginning of a film – little like a storyteller. (Narrator)

Paret 2

In this part, you and your partner are supposed to make the play/movie and record your script.

You can use the computer and work with Creaza, book creator or if you want to, you can make a background and use characters you have done by hand, to do the play. You can also create your own comic if that is that you would like.


To improve your ability to speak and analyze a text


· Språkliga företeelser, däribland uttal, ord och fasta språkliga uttryck, grammatiska strukturer och satsbyggnad samt stavning i elevernas egen produktion och interaktion.

· Bearbetning av egna muntliga och skriftliga framställningar för att förtydliga, variera, precisera och anpassa kommunikationen efter syfte, mottagare och sammanhang.

· I muntliga framställningar av olika slag formulerar sig eleven enkelt, begripligt och relativt sammanhängande. I skriftliga framställningar av olika slag formulerar sig eleven enkelt, begripligt och relativt sammanhängande






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Taking a classic fairy tales into the 21th century

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