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SO (år 1-3)




SO Norms, rules and democracy

Rödabergsskolan, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 16 juni 2021

Friendship, rules, norms and peace

This is what we will work with:

  • common class rules and possibly revise them.

  • schools common safety rules.

  • how to socialise with others and respect everyone's differences.

  • how each of us can contribute to a good classroom environment and work environment.

  • your rights and your obligations.

  • class council.

  • Will will discuss in pairs, groups and whole classes, about different situations that can arise in social relationships.

  • Watch movies that address different social situations.

  • We learn about the concept of democracy. 

How we will do this?


  • will agree on common well-being rules and put them visibly on the wall.

  • read books and watch movies with subsequent conversations.

  • have class council.

  • discuss what peace and quiet means in relation to a calm working environment. 

  • talks about frienships and differences.

  • talks about good qualities in each other.

  • discus what the concepts of rights/obligations means.

  • talks and discuss various questions both in a large group and in small groups.

  • watch movies that address different social situations. 


Vad ska du lära dig? 


  • You will receive tips and tools on how to be in class and with your friends.

  • You will practise expressing your own opinion and discussing different rules and norms. 

  • You will practise handling different social situations.

  • You will learn to reflect on important societal issues and how you can influence others and others you. .


How the learning will be assessed?

Below are links to the curriculum what the student should be able to do. This is assessed through the student's ability to absorb knowledge and talk about it as well as use subject-correct concepts. 



reflektera över mänskliga rättigheter samt demokratiska värden, principer, arbetssätt och beslutsprocesser.

Aktuella samhällsfrågor i olika medier.

Normer och regler i elevens livsmiljö, till exempel i skolan, i digitala miljöer och i sportsammanhang.

Livsfrågor med betydelse för eleven, till exempel gott och ont, rätt och orätt, kamratskap, könsroller, jämställdhet och relationer.

Hur möten, till exempel klassråd, organiseras och genomförs.

Eleven har grundläggande kunskaper om några mänskliga rättigheter och barnets rättigheter, och visar det genom att ge exempel på vad de kan innebära i skolan och hemma.

Eleven kan samtala om normer och regler i vardagen och ge exempel på varför de kan behövas.

Vidare kan eleven beskriva hur möten brukar organiseras och genomföras.

Eleven kan samtala om elevnära livsfrågor.

Matriser i planeringen
SO - norms, rules and democracy

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