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The Wave - novel

Södra Ängby skola, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 26 oktober 2020

"The Wave" a true story that took place at a high school in Carlifornia, USA in 1969. A history teacher wanted to explain to his students how the Nazis could become so powerful. It turned out to be lessons they would remember but not talk about.

The Wave by Morton Rhue


Your assignment is to read and work with a book during the following weeks. You have a lesson plan; see below so you know what to do during the lessons and how much you need to read at home to finish the book on time. 



Have your Klassanteckningar ready when you read this book to write down things you come across as you read. This will be the base of your bookwork that you hand in week 48.



What we do during the lessons, exercises:


1.    Summarize the plot in writing - the chapters we have read for this week.

2.    Draw a timeline over the most important events. Write a presentation plan that could be used at an oral presentation of the book.

3.    What similarities can you find between the people in WWII Germany and the main characters of the book?



Plan your work here!

The page number for each week is how much you need to read every week to finish on time.



Week 43, Monday

Read to ch.4

List of characters + summary


Week 45, Tuesday

Read to ch. 10

Exercise no.1


Hand in when Tuesday lesson is finished.

Week 46, Tuesday

Read to ch. 13

Exercise no. 2 + discussions


Hand in when Tuesday lesson is finished.

Week 47

National Tests

Week 48

Finish the novel

Exercise no. 3


Hand in when Tuesday lesson is finished.


















Enjoy a good read!



What is being graded?


Eleven visar sin läsförståelse genom att redogöra för, diskutera och kommentera innehåll och detaljer.


I skriftliga framställningar i olika genrer bedöms eleven hur väl denne formulerar sig, samt hur väl framställningen är anpassad till syfte, mottagare och situation.


I muntlig interaktion i olika sammanhang bedöms eleven hur väl denne kan uttrycka sig samt hur väl interaktionen är anpassad till syfte, mottagare och situation.


Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Reading and writing

Innehåller inga uppgifter

Hjälp och support



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