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Reception Fairytale theme 2020-21

The English School Gothenburg, Fristående förskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 22 februari 2023

Fairytale and fantasy

Goals- Lpfö18

- What goals from the curriculum do we want to work towards?

Preschool should give all children opportunities to develop an interest in stories, pictures, texts in different types of media, and their ability to use, interpret, question and discuss them. See below.

- why these goals?

We chose goals that reflected the numerous creative possibilities available to be explored by the children. We recognised the children needed to develop and practice their language skills and actively promote their use of imagination.


Purpose/Reason behind the topic
- what do we want to achieve when working on this topic?

Encourage cooperation in a group on a shared project and to give the children opportunities to express their creativity in a variety of different ways. We want the children to be able to express their opinion and to be able to recognise story language.


- what are the children interested in?

The children expressed an interest in fairytales characters and learning more about them. They enjoy listening to stories and to act them out. They were excited to try and write their own story as well.



- How are we going to reach the goals? 

By presenting them with opportunities to interact with a variety of different fantasy stories.


- What activities are we planning to reach our goals?

Writing our own stories, illustrating them and acting them out. 

Playing different games around story structure and language. 


Pedagogical documentation

- How can we involve the children in their own documentation?

By letting the children record and photograph their own plays and to take their mini-stories home to share with their families.


Reflection and Analysis 


- How do we perceive the children's learning during this topic?

The children enjoyed making their own story and acting it out. They were engaged and creative and a little surprised that they were able to come up with their own stories.

- What have the children learnt/ not learnt?  


- What do we need to develop during our next topic?

Making their own stories was a good preparation for when they were going to act out the longer Starry eyed Stan and Rainbow fish.

- Do we need to do anything different?

We could have done both these projects as a big unit of Fairytales.

- Do we have an inviting environment or can we change this to help with the learning?


tillämpa ett demokratiskt arbetssätt där barnen aktivt deltar,

nyfikenhet, kreativitet och lust att leka och lära,

intresse för skriftspråk samt förståelse för symboler och hur de används för att förmedla budskap,

intresse för berättelser, bilder och texter i olika medier, såväl digitala som andra, samt sin förmåga att använda sig av, tolka, ifrågasätta och samtala om dessa,

förmåga att skapa samt förmåga att uttrycka och kommunicera upplevelser, tankar och erfarenheter i olika uttrycksformer som bild, form, drama, rörelse, sång, musik och dans,

fantasi och föreställningsförmåga,

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