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7 - 9

Music Analysis

Modersmålsundervisningen, Lunds för- och grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 10 november 2020

Do you have a song that appeals to you and that has lyrics that are meaningful? This is your chance to analyze that song, and to tell your classmates about it! Your presentation will involve not only looking at the meaning of your song, but also looking at the words, phrases, metaphors and idioms used in conveying its message.



Choose a song: You may choose any song in any genre of music, but a word of caution, your song can not contain objectionable material. 

Oral presentation

Your presentation should be at least 5 minutes long (film and audio clips are NOT included).

Rule number 1: BE WELL PREPARED! Rehearse your presentation at least once.

Make your presentation as vivid and interesting as possible and make sure to catch your listeners’ interest.

Try to speak slowly, clearly and as freely as possible. Use your own words and don’t read too much from your notes. A tip is to make cards with key words, to help you remember what to say.

Structuring your presentation:

1. Introduction: Start your presentation by telling the audience in short what you are going to talk about. When introducing your topic find a way to really catch your listeners’ interest.

2. Body:

·       Explain words and phrases.

·       Find and explain metaphors.

·       Find idioms and explain them.

·       What is the message transmitted by this song?

·       What is your opinion of your chosen song?


3. Conclusion: Summarize what you have been talking about.

4. Question Time: Be prepared to answer questions from the class.


formulera sig och kommunicera i tal och skrift,

använda sitt modersmål som ett medel för sin språkutveckling och sitt lärande,

anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang,

läsa och analysera skönlitteratur och andra texter för olika syften, och

Matriser i planeringen
Music Analysis

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