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Source Ciriticism - English 7

Kattegattgymnasiet, Halmstad · Senast uppdaterad: 10 november 2020

Fake news and fake truth are expressions often heard in today's society. It is important to look beyond the piece of news itself in order to know if it is trustworthy or not. Source criticism is a knowledge requirement for English 7, hence the assignment below.

Source Criticism – Assignment                   


During a few lessons, we have discussed the importance of being source critical. By comparing different news articles, we have investigated how bias can be found and how the content is affected depending on which news sites they are published on.


Now, your assignment is to find two articles on the same subject. Write down your own reflections on the content. You can use the exercises done in class, where you can find a table of the different features that may come in handy in your analysis. Below, you can find two links to use, in case you do not find suitable articles of your own. Post your file at Unikum before Christmas.



Centralt innehåll – Engelska 7

  • Strategier för användning av olika typer av källor, med källkritisk medvetenhet och vedertagna sätt att ange källor, inom valt fördjupningsområde och inom andra områden.


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Source Ciriticism
Source Criticism - English 7

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