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Montessoriförskolan Mammolina, Dibber Sverige AB · Senast uppdaterad: 11 december 2020

The Music is around us all the time, made from the nature or us and is something that can affect humans very much. In the Casa, Music is part of the culture area in the Montessori environment. There they can sing, dance and play different instruments. That helps the children's ability in discriminating the sounds.

  • Vad ska läras ut? The children get to learn many songs, melodies which are authentic for that country in which they live and also worldwide famous songs. With the dance movements, they learn to coordinate their body and move in a rhythm, learn what rhythm is as well. The children can learn how to make music with different instruments and their voices. They also learn to read and write music. 

  • Varför? Preparation for music.

  • Hur ska undervisningen genomföras? There is music played from time to time in the classroom - children's, classical or some other style of music. We have music books and small songs booklets in our environment where the children can use them with or without adults. There are small size instruments for the children to use and learn to play. We have pictures on the wall with music notes and famous composers where the children can look at on their level size.
  • Hur ska reflektion tillsammans med barnen organiseras? During the circle time we sing songs, playing some instruments, dance on a music and discuss about what we are doing. We organize celebrations with music songs for some special holidays or times of the year, like - Christmas, Summer festival etc. 
  • För vem/vilka ska undervisningen genomföras? For children from age of 2,5 and on.
  • Av vem? From the teachers.
  • Vad är målet med undervisningen? The sounds are part of the auditory sense - to hear. The music is helping the children with refinement the auditory sense. The children are learning the discrimination of sounds, pairing and grading tones and semitones. They learn soft & loud, low and high tones, Diatonic & Chromatic scale etc.


nyfikenhet, kreativitet och lust att leka och lära,

förmåga att skapa samt förmåga att uttrycka och kommunicera upplevelser, tankar och erfarenheter i olika uttrycksformer som bild, form, drama, rörelse, sång, musik och dans,

utmanas och stimuleras i sin motoriska, sociala, emotionella och kognitiva utveckling,

verka för en god och tillgänglig miljö för omsorg, lek, rörelse, utveckling och lärande,

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