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The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne

Uppgårdskolan, Ekerö · Senast uppdaterad: 2 augusti 2022

You are going to continue to read/listen to the Boy in The Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne from the link given on teams. You will answer questions on Chapter 1 and 2 and do an oral presentation the book recension. You should be done on Week 5


The aim is to improve your listening writing and reading comprehension. To speak / write about the book, express thoughts and opinions and of course enjoy an English novel.

You will in this project have the possibility to develop your ability to:

Listen, read and understand  spoken and written English.

Interpret and discuss the plot of a novel.

Express your thoughts and opinions about a novel.


Use different strategies to understand spoken and written English.



Assessment will entail how well you :

Read ,understand  and answer questions   chapter one and two

Engage in oral discussions, participation  and reflections about the book during class 

Your oral presentation on the book recention as assigned on teams

Participation by listening during oral presentation and giving feedback to your peers


Questions on Chapter 1-2

Check instructions on powerpoint on Teams.

1..How do we know Bruno’s family is rich?

2. What is Maria (the maid) doing as the story begins?

3. How does his mother look on this occasion?

How does she feel about leaving the house in Berlin?

4. Why does the family have to move?

5. Why does Bruno not want to leave?

6. How does Bruno feel about his sister?

7. What kind of person do you imagine Bruno’s father to be?

8. Describe Bruno’s house in Berlin.

9. Describe Bruno’s new house.

10.What does Bruno think of this father’s job?

11.Why doesn’t Bruno understand the nature of his father’s job?

12.How does Bruno feel about his new house?

13.Describe the young soldier in the hall. How do Bruno and Maria react to him?

Book Recension

1. What thoughts did you have in your mind when you looked at the book cover?

  • Author and Illustrator

  • Had you heard of the author or illustrator before? Have you read any other books by the author?

  • Genre

  • How would you describe the story? Is it an adventure, a mystery a love story a narrative or fiction?

  • Characters

  • Who are the main characters and how would you describe them?

  • Can you see them clearly in your immagination?

  • Plot
  • Think about what happens in the story. Can you summarise it without ruining it.
  • Setting
  •  Where does the story take place? Is it in a familiar place or somewhere really different?
  • If you close your eyes can you see it in your immagination?
  • Writing Style
  • How would you describe the writing style. Is it Simple, Elaborate, Modern or Old Fashioned.
  • Dis you understand all the words? Did you learn any new words?
  • Emotions
  • How did the book make you feel? Did you feel one or many emotions?
  • How did you feel at the end of the book?
  • Opinion
  • Did you like the book? Can you explain why you did or did not like the book.
  • Is it similar to anything else in the book?
  • tory 

  • Thi


förståelse av engelska i tal och skrift,

förmåga att formulera sig och kommunicera på engelska i tal och skrift,

förmåga att anpassa språket efter olika syften, mottagare och sammanhang, och

förståelse av kulturella och sociala förhållanden i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används.

Vardagliga situationer, intressen, aktiviteter och händelseförlopp.

Levnadsvillkor, traditioner, sociala relationer och kulturella företeelser i olika sammanhang och områden där engelska används, även i jämförelse med egna erfarenheter och kunskaper.

Talad engelska och texter som är instruerande, informerande, beskrivande, berättande, diskuterande, argumenterande och kontaktskapande – varje slag för sig eller i olika kombinationer – till exempel samtal, intervjuer, nyheter, reportage och tidningsartiklar.

Skönlitteratur och annan fiktion, även i talad och filmatiserad form.

Strategier för att bidra till och underlätta samtal och skriftlig interaktion, även digital, till exempel genom att ge bekräftelse, ställa följdfrågor, lyssna aktivt, formulera om, förklara, bidra med nya infallsvinklar och avsluta på ett artigt sätt.

Språkliga företeelser, däribland uttal, ord och fasta språkliga uttryck, grammatiska strukturer och satsbyggnad samt stavning i elevernas egen produktion och interaktion.

Bearbetning av egna muntliga och skriftliga framställningar för att förtydliga, variera, precisera och anpassa kommunikationen efter syfte, mottagare och sammanhang.

Matriser i planeringen
Engelska åk 8 Uppgård Skolan

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