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Project ”Democracy, equal rights and its enemies” 9A, 9B Plan

Grindskolan, Norrtälje · Senast uppdaterad: 30 augusti 2022

“Two cheers for Democracy: one because it admits variety and two because it permits criticism.” (E. M. Forster) Democracy is something new in human history, it´s really only existed roughly a hundred years. It´s based on the idea that every human has the same value and the same rights; rights of freedom, rights of changing society by free voting, free speech. It´s also a method of making political decisions and laws based on the majority principle. The majority of citizens rule, through parliament and government. In a dictatorship, in anti-democratic thinking, it´s the complete opposite; some people are seen as having more worth, more knowledge and having the right to rule over others because of their superiority.



·       To learn about democratic values, and the opposite, by studying different historical examples of people fighting for and reaching equal rights


·       To discuss and comment on these examples and the meaning of democracy


·       To discuss ethical matters, what is right or wrong



Time: w. 3 - 8





You are going to read and listen to stories about democracy from different aspects.


You will also be given an opportunity to get a varied practice of the basic skills; reading, listening, talking and writing. 





       Individual work: reading stories, watching videos, writing answers to questions about the stories and videos and also comments and thoughts about them


       Lectures: explanations and backgrounds


       Talks and discussions – In small groups and in class.


It´s important that you take active part in your tasks during lesson-time and in talks and discussions. That way you develop your understanding and skills, and you show them, which is like an examination.


·       Evaluation – where you write down what you think it´s been like working with this project, pros and cons, what you learned from it etc.





       Verbally – we are going to talk about every story. And have discussions as well.


       Test w. 8 – Where you retell and discuss and comment on content and details in the stories.



Lesson Plan:


W.    3         Task 1. “The Meaning of Democracy”


* Read an article about what democracy is and its purpose

* Write answers to factual questions and discuss and comment on the content in the article

* Discussion about the article in small groups, follow up in class


W.    4         Task 2.  "Rosa Parks" 


* Read an article about Rosa Parks, an ordinary black American woman who protested against racism and changed the USA

* Write answers to factual questions and discuss and comment on the content in the article

* Watch a video about her, take notes while listening

* Discussion about Rosa Parks, both article and video


       W. 5           Task 3. “The Rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party”


              * Read an article

             * Answer questions

             * Talk and discussion


W. 6                  Task 4. “The Holocaust”


                          * Read an article

                          * Answer questions

                           * Talk and discussion


W. 7                  Task 5. “The Attack on American democracy Jan 6th 2021”


                          * Watch a news clip

                          * Take notes

                          * Answer questions

                          * Talk and discussion


W. 8             Test










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