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8 - 9

Teenage life - An interview

Palmbladsskolan, Uppsala · Senast uppdaterad: 25 januari 2021

What's it like being a teenager in Sweden?


Teenage life!


Pretend you are an American reporter who works for the magazine Seventeen! You have been given the task to write about being a teenager in Sweden! In order to do that you will have to interview one! So here is what to do:


Read and listen to Declan Murphy and Becky Torres, p. 124-127 in your Textbook.   


-       Answer the questions you have been assigned in Teams.


-       Write at least 10 questions to ask your friend in the interview. You can take the same questions you have already answered, but add at least 3 more.


-       Give your questions to your friend.


-       Prepare to answer your friends questions.


-       Interview each other! One of you starts being the reporter and interviews the other. Think about:


o   Welcome the person to the interview


o   Tell her/him who you are, and why you’re doing this.


o   Ask the questions! Here you can add extra questions if it fits in the interview! Improvise!


o   Say thanks and end the interview.


o   Change roles!


o   You must film the interviews and hand them in to me afterwards.




-          Remember to take notes during the interview, since you’re going to need them when you write!






Week 4


Prepare questions and answers


Week 5


Do the interviews and start writing.


Week 6


Finish the writing, hand in!



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