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Water & Weather

IPS Guldheden, The International Preschool AB · Senast uppdaterad: 8 februari 2021

Why is it raining? Why is it snowing? These are question that the children have been asking us a lot lately so we thought we'd explore them together!


Why is it raining? Why is it snowing? These are question that the children have been asking us a lot lately so we thought we'd explore them together! In accordance with the Swedish curriculum we will be exploring nature, science and enviroment through this work. 



We will be working with the waters three forms - solid, liquid and gas. We will start the work by showing the children that water is still water, no matter what form it takes, and how to transfer it from one form to the other. Then we will connect that to the water cycle of the nature and explore what that looks like. This will be done through activities, talks and reading the book Oh Say Can You Say What's The Weather Today? by Dr. Seuss. 



It is important for the children to get their questions answered. It will help them learn about the enviroment around them and how nature works. It is also important for us to be working with these subjects as it is something that the curriculum requires and thus means that this is a way for us to prepare the children for their future lives both in and outside of school.



Oh Say Can You Say What's The Weather Today? by Dr. Seuss

The Drop Goes Plop by Sam Godwin (you can find it here: Bee Visits Our Water Cycle -:-Earth Science-:-Books Read to Kids Aloud!💧 - YouTube )




ett växande ansvar och intresse för hållbar utveckling och att aktivt delta i samhället.

förmåga att använda och förstå begrepp, se samband och upptäcka nya sätt att förstå sin omvärld,

förståelse för samband i naturen och för naturens olika kretslopp samt för hur människor, natur och samhälle påverkar varandra,

förståelse för naturvetenskap, kunskaper om växter och djur samt enkla kemiska processer och fysikaliska fenomen,

förmåga att utforska, beskriva med olika uttrycksformer, ställa frågor om och samtala om naturvetenskap och teknik,

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