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Theme - Homes and families

IPS Guldheden, The International Preschool AB · Senast uppdaterad: 22 februari 2021

The concept of a home and family is in the very core of a young child's perception of the social and societal world. Therefor it is common that the children gather knowledge through comparing their experiences at school and other environments with those they have from their own homes and family constellations. We want to take advantage of the childrens interest and use this as the ignition behind the subjects and activities that will occur within the theme.

Through working with this theme we will touch many different learning areas. Such as :


  • Gender - We will use pictures, books and other media to discuss the equal oppertunity between same-sex and opposite-sex couples to create and have a family. 
  • Different types of family constellations -  Through using different types of media as well as the childrens own experiences and media we will discuss the variety within the family concept. Such as showing that some families have a mummy and daddy/daddy and daddy/mummy and mummy, some have single parents, adopted children, grandparents as guardians ect.
  • Society - Through talking about the concept of having a home and a family we can also see the pattern of how the society is built and based on these constellations through economic, social and environmental factors. 
  • Transportation - We will talk about how transportation is used and varies within the childrens families
  • Architecture - We will touch the subject of the psychical home and how this could differ between the childrens and teachers families but also other families around the world.
  • Mathematics - We will use mathematics in the theme by using numbers to define different amounts. Such as counting and comparing family members, talking about numbers on houses ect. We will also be doing sorting and categorizing activities based on colors, patterns and other categories within the theme.
  • Language - The childrens vocabulary will be expanded in both Swedish and English through using terms such as house, apartment complex ect. 
  • Culture and ethnicity - Through using the children and their families as examples we will touch the subject of different cultures and ethnicities. We will do comparisons using the childrens pictures (See message in Unikum regarding parents participation) and the childrens own creations and verbal experiences. We will also use books and maps in order to concretely demonstrate the multiculturalism in our classroom


respekt och förståelse för alla människors lika värde och de mänskliga rättigheterna, och

ett växande ansvar och intresse för hållbar utveckling och att aktivt delta i samhället.

uppmärksamma barnen på att människor kan ha olika värderingar som styr deras uppfattningar och handlingar och samtidigt förankra de grundläggandena värdena, och

samarbeta med vårdnadshavare, samt diskutera regler och förhållningssätt i förskolan med vårdnadshavare, för att främja barnets utveckling till en ansvarskännande människa och samhällsmedlem

förmåga att lyssna på och reflektera över andras uppfattningar samt att reflektera och ge uttryck för egna uppfattningar,

ett nyanserat talspråk och ordförråd samt förmåga att leka med ord, berätta, uttrycka tankar, ställa frågor, argumentera och kommunicera med andra i olika sammanhang och med skilda syften,

förmåga att urskilja, uttrycka, undersöka och använda matematiska begrepp och samband mellan begrepp,

medvetet och aktivt arbeta med jämställdhet,

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