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Black History Moth & BEYOND: Grade 9

Smedshagsskolan, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 25 mars 2021

Comprehensive Black History National Exam Unit: The Global Perspective.


Black History Month / Human His-story Year: Our Roots, Seeds and Blossoms:      

Black History Month Total Project: Investigative Research unit celebrating the influence and impact of the African Global Experience within: academia, art, sports, literature, politics and Music.

From Black to Humanity. From His-story to OUR-story. From Month to Present and Beyond. 



National Exam BHM Model:


1.     Reading Comprehension: Research and investigative reading of materials


2.     Listening Comprehension: Listening to oral sources and listening quiz from oral     presentations.


3.     Writing Abilities: Informative Text Writing


4.     Speaking Abilities: Delivering of short oral presentations

The Inca Ruler And Peruvian Revolutionary Who Inspired 2Pac's Persona -  History - What's on


1   Informative Essay: A4 Page with separate reference list (read & listen sources)


-         1. Introduction: Brief background


-         2. Body: Contributions to race relations, society, and shared global humanity.


-         3. Conclusion: Main points from the Body and Personal impression, greater socio-political-humanitarian impact, thoughts, individual influence, critique, admiration…


2.     Visual Poster include: 1. Images 2. Acrostic Poem 3. Text and Quotes. Topical Acrostic Poem: Descriptive poem using the first letter of a name to describe the person. Example:


IGGE I-ntellectual G-regorious G-enerous E-xtraordinary


3.     Oral Presentation: Brief 2–3-minute oral presentation with 3 prepared listening comprehension questions from your speech.

President Trump's Proclamation for African American History Month 2019 |  U.S. Embassy in Mali


A). Informative Text Module:


Aim: To inform on a historical person or event by the investigative (reading and listening) research and writing.


Product & Presentation/NP Model:


1.     (Reading & Writing): Each student will use at least 2 written sources and 1 audio/listening source (all to be referenced) to produce a basic informative text.


2.     (Oral): Informative text will be orally presented to the class in seminar form using a visual poster.


3.     (Listening Comprehension): Each presentation will include a prepared listening comprehension exercise about your topic.


Text Structure:


A). Introduction: Relevant background & details, context, attention step


B). Body: Contributions, Vision and Achievements


1. Race and Racial Relations


2. Society – National Achievements


3. ***Contributions to HUMANITY – Global impact


C). Conclusion:


1. Restate basic information and accomplishments


2. ***Personal Reflections:


- Personal impressions, influence, impact, motivation/impression


- Criticism, analysis, evaluation and/or praise and adulation.


D).  Reference List:


- Include at least 2 sources you read (besides Wikipedia).


- Include a1 listening comprehension source (video, interview documentary.


B). Informative Visual Text Oral & Listening Presentation Module:


1.    Prepared short 2–3-minute oral presentation: Intro – Body – Conclusion


2.    Prepared Visual Poster: Images-pictures, acrostic poem and Text


3.    Prepared 3 listening comprehension questions


1.     Brief oral presentation. Key aim is to inform on your topic with 1. Background 2. Contributions (race-society-humanity) and 3.  Personal analysis-influence-impressions.


2.     Visual Poster: Visual poster to assist your oral presentation with:


1. Picture(s) 2. Informative text & quote and 3. A topical acrostic poem. Acrostic poem is a type of descriptive poem with a word made from each letter of a name. Example: IGGE


·        Introvert


·        Gregarious


·        Generous


·        Extraordinary


*Optional Extra Credit Poetry: Topical free verse, haiku, sonnet


3.     Prepare 3 listening comprehension questions based on the information you deliver in your oral presentation.





Innehåller inga läroplanspunkter

Matriser i planeringen
Black History Moth & BEYOND.
English 9A: Informative Text - Black History
English 9A: BHM Poster

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