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8 - 9

English - VT2021

Bäckahagens skola, Stockholm Grundskolor · Senast uppdaterad: 14 mars 2021

Finally it's time for student's choice. What would you like to do? A podcast? Your own Movie? Only the sky sets the limit.


English Planning
Year 8
Spring term 2021


Project – Reading – Vocabulary


We are going to practice reading for a few weeks. To be able to do that, we will use a bit more difficult texts than usual.  Hopefully you finally get an epiphany regarding the fact that you need to practice more synonyms and expand your vocabulary. Also, I am hoping to motivate all of you that usually find tasks a bit too easy. With that said I of course individualize the different tasks. We will work individually, in pairs and in groups. With as much variety as possible.



Week 6
Lesson 1 & 2 -
The Sandwich 


·       Check your reading 1 – True or False.


·       Check your reading 2 – Choose the best alternative.


·       Vocabulary 1 – Complete the sentences using the words in the box.


·       Vocabulary 2 – A) Word formation (verb-noun) B) Write your own sentences


·       Let’s talk – What would you do?


·       Writing – Write about a memory in your notebook.


Students need to read the text as many times as necessary and work on all the words so that you can translate from Swedish to English and vice versa. You also need to practice to retell the story with your own words.


The Sandwich, part 1 and 2. (Audio file)




Week 7 & 8
Lesson 1 & 2 - The Five-Minute Date 


·       Check your reading 1 – Answer the questions in your notebook.


·       Check your reading 2 – Answer questions regarding the text.


·       Vocabulary 1 – A) Match English and Swedish words. B) Write your own sentences.


·       Vocabulary 2 – Ture or False.


·       Vocabulary 3 – Write or Say the words to show that you understand what the words mean.


·       Let’s talk –  A) Characterize Julie and Mark, choose from Adjectives. B) Discuss with a friend.


·       Act it out – Work in pairs, pretend that you are Julie and Paul.


·       Writing – Write a short essay about music.


You need to read the text as many times as necessary and work on all the words so that you can translate from Swedish to English and vice versa. You also need to practice retelling the story with your own words.


The Five-Minute Date – (audio file)




Rehearsal -


Lesson 3 – We start by talking about the plot in both stories you recently read. “The Sandwich” and “The Five-Minute Date”. By the end of class I will check if you have practiced the words enough. We will to that by doing some sort of test. Either DigiExam or Kahoot or a group assignment.


Lesson 4 – We will listen to a song, discuss the lyrics, and look at the words in a more profound way.


In the end of class everybody gets a new shot at the irregular verbs test you did two weeks ago, try to ace it!




Week 9


Winter Break




Week 10


Lesson 1 & 2– We start by talking about what we did before the break. Important to remember the words from the text that we have learned so far and remember to practice the words that we have for homework each week.  


Since it is IWD (international women’s day) on March 8 we will watch a documentary about women who are trying to change the world. The assignment will be to write a text answering a few questions on Teams.




Week 11 – Week 12


En bild som visar grupp, full av färg, rad

Automatiskt genererad beskrivningLesson 1 – We will talk about last week’s assignment, look at the words for week 10 and 11 and then the students will need to report to me what kind of students’ choice they would like to work with. Music, movies, making your own pod, only the sky sets the limit.


Lesson 2, 3 & 4 – Work with your project. Make sure to optimize your time so your presentation will be worth watching or listening to.




Week 13 – Easter Break




Week 14 - Work with your project. Make sure to optimize your time so your presentation will be worth watching or listening to.


Week 15 – Time for the presentations, good luck!


Monika Boman
Bäckahagensskola VT-2021



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