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Teenage life - An interview

Palmbladsskolan, Uppsala · Senast uppdaterad: 15 mars 2021

What's it like being a teenager in Sweden?


Teenage life!


Pretend you are an American reporter who works for the magazine Seventeen! You have been given the task to write about being a teenager in Sweden! In order to do that you will have to interview one! So here is what to do:


For some help: Read and listen again to the texts Declan Murphy and Becky Torres, p. 124-127 in your textbook Wings 8.


-       Answer the questions below about yourself.


-       Write two additional questions.

        You now have a total of ten questions. These ten questions are the questions that    you will use during the interview.


-       Give your questions to your friend (you swap so that you get this person´s questions.)


-       Prepare to answer your friend’s questions.


-       Interview each other! One of you starts being the reporter and interviews the other. Think about:


>   Welcome the person to the interview (introduction)


>   Tell her/him who you are, and why you’re doing this.


>  Ask the questions! Here you can add extra questions if it fits in the interview! Improvise!


>   Say thanks and end the interview.


>   Change roles!


>   You must film the interviews and hand them in to me afterwards./Perform live for me.






Teenage life – Interview questions


Answer the questions below. These are the same that you will get to answer during your interview.


What do you like about Sweden and Uppsala?


What do you do in your spare time?


Can you tell us about your school?


How hard are your subjects?


Can you tell us about your room/how you live?


How do you enjoy living with your family?


What are your plans for after high school?


What do you worry about?


> Own question


> Own question




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