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Lord of the Rings

Sannarpsgymnasiet, Halmstad · Senast uppdaterad: 25 maj 2021

I have started to realize that I am growing old. When I was in your age, everyone had seen the trilogy of the Lord of the Rings, even the ones who despised the fantasy genre. It was almost like it belonged to the education of life to have seen the movies. Nowadays, I am appalled at how few students who have actually seen the movies. They are absolutely brilliant, both when it comes to entertainment but also when it comes to valuable lessons of life. Therefore, we will work with the trilogy during the coming weeks.


             We have seen the first movie, to establish the background to the world, plot and characters. We will during the coming lessons watch some clips from the other two movies as well as read extracts from the books as well. During this assignment, we will both discuss some literary concepts from the movie as well as some real life topics. We will discuss the Death Penalty, Friendship, the Industrialization, Destiny as well as what really matters in life. This whole thing will end with an in-class-analysis-test. However, it will be quite unique. There will be five different questions, you will have to choose two of them. For each question, there will be a clip connected to the topic; during the test, you will have to watch the clip and analyze what happens as well as answer the specific question.


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